***Resized and new image added*** Cologne Cathedral at Night

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Spent a couple of hours last night standing the opposite side of the Rhine from the cathedral in Cologne.

I really should have used a tripod. However, all I had with me was a bean bag and a sturdy wall. Did I do ok?


And here's the footbridge that runs alongside the railway bridge:


And here's another shot I PP'd last night - perhaps my fave thus far:


Apologies for the originally oversized images.
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They're stunning. That's going to put tripod makers out of business, we'll all be buying bean bags. Colours, composition and sharpness are fabulous. is this why the D300 wins all the comparative tests of late? I think #1 needs a slight rotate, it looks down on the left hand edge - this is pitting the human eye against the might of the computer, so I may well be wrong.
Thanks Russell. I thought that it was slightly uneven. However, rather than lining the horizontal, I struck a line down the centre of the cathedral spires to ensure they were in the vertical, and they were. I'll take another look tonight - I did do these two in a bit of a hurry.
Number 2 is good if not slightly less so because number 1 is so effective. The detail of the bridge is great.. the lighting is great.

I agree Russell it does look out slightly.. most obvious at the line behind the boat on the left to me.. but I didn't spot it until I read your comment :)
Thanks Russell. I thought that it was slightly uneven. However, rather than lining the horizontal, I struck a line down the centre of the cathedral spires to ensure they were in the vertical, and they were. I'll take another look tonight - I did do these two in a bit of a hurry.

It doesn't look like the work of a man in a hurry. It's wonderful and if that's what you can do in a hurry then I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome from you taking your time.
Both great images. I think I like the 2nd more, its the light on the path that I am really drawn at.
I've just had a look at this image on a 24" screen. I now up my admiration for this image. I have spotted the electric train gantries to the right of the bridge. I have looked at it a number of times and thought oh my goly gosh that's frightfully good; and all the time there's some horrible human intervention that the image renders irrelevant.
#1 is a stunning picture of the Dom - the best I think I've seen of it. Very original take too.
Thanks very much for your kind words and apologies for the large fies. I've now resized.
Great images and thanks for sharing, one point though

Does Cologne Cathedral stink?
Does Cologne Cathedral stink?

Thanks and it may well stink. Never been inside. You?

Unless I should be calling it Koln...?
No I haven't but it was a try at a pun, sorry.
Sorry bud - I'm still half asleep - not had my first coffee yet... :)
#3 for me. I didn't notice the electric train gantries in #1 and #2, but #3 doesn't have them at all. Brilliant.
Yep, No3 for me too. The composition is just brilliant. The arch of the bridge enters the frame perfectly at top right. The Cathedral itself is perfectly positioned and the lights both at the bottom and to the left add balance.

Corking shot!