RIAT Fairford 2012

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So far rain has suspended play for a while on Friday, but apart from that it's been good game!








Lovely set Bernie, can't wait to see the show tomorrow, hope the rain stays away.

I look forward to seeing more and posting some of my own.
Very good set of photos there Bernie, what is the aircraft in the last two photos. It looks a real beast, and I know I've seen it before but can't place it. Hope the weather stays good for all you guys down there this weekend, lets see some pics when you get back.
Very strong set, very sharp (y)
Very good set of photos there Bernie, what is the aircraft in the last two photos. It looks a real beast, and I know I've seen it before but can't place it. Hope the weather stays good for all you guys down there this weekend, lets see some pics when you get back.

last aircraft is a mig 29 , hoping the weather stays dry tomorrow
last aircraft is a mig 29 , hoping the weather stays dry tomorrow

Yeah, course it is. I remembered about 7 oclock this morning what it was. I wish some of these planes ahd featured at Waddington last week. One of these years I'm going to do RIAT for the whole weekend and see what I can get.
Not too bad a weekend. One more day for me, the departures, then start again at Farnborough!

A few to be getting on with, as I have a large number of pictures to go through when I get home.




Stunning set.I really like the last two,outstanding quality.
Enjoyed these, thanks for posting.
Nice sharp images.
Stunning set, really really awesome image quality, you can tell the lens is expensive!

When I looked at the price I nearly cried!
Don't despair-like I've just done Lol.

You can hire one for 3 days for £126. If its a weekend £168. You'd have to know what you were doing though or it would be a waste of money.The problem with that is that getting photos like these you wouldn't want to take it back lol ...or get one and add it to the mortgage.

Unless you have a lot of money spare lenses like that need to pay for themselves - maybe Bernie sells his photos. I wanted to try my Canon 400m f5.6 (considerably less at £1100 ) there tomorrow -the photos I took were with my 100-400 and 70-200f4 - but apart from seeing these and despairing as you know, to get the optimum you really need good light which,having looked at the forecast just now won't be there in the morning. Those departing west fly over Gloucester 9 -10.00am each year.
While I do sell some photos John, it's not enough to make a living or buy expensive lenes with, I saved hard, and bought a battered looking, but (clearly) optically sound example. Yes, it still cost, but shall we say after px not very much more than your 400mm. I already had a 1.4 and 3 x converter,the latter being used for the MIG 29 shots.

Anyway, a couple more of the quick edits


Thanks Bernie for getting back. Another two stunners. I just sit here transfixed with these photos. They're a new benchmark for me. I went to your Flickr page too... stunning shots. Going for that lens was exactly the right strategy. As you're obviously aware on a mid-range camera such a lens will get far better results than vice-versa..

It was raining here this morning up to about 8.00am (where isn't it raining ?) and dull but the odd breakthrough of a bit of sun and I didn't want to try out the 400 at Departures and be disappointed because of poor light - sort of give it it's best chance. I heard the planes overhead as they flew west (I'm 20 miles from Fairford) and looking at the forecast it doesn't look too good for Farnborough either.

You're spot on re. the 400 f5.6,it's often overlooked and I really got it for wildlife and all reviews sing it's praises. I need a new strategy at Air Shows - I was stressed out trying to keep incoming and overflying in the frame with the 100-400 and when they got too close grabbed the 5D11 with the 24-105 round my neck on a Rapid strap. Needless to say I often lost the near shots (opposite me in the ladder enclosure) as they were landing whilst changing over - all on top of a ladder too.. You couldn't fault me for effort Lol. I was on Tv 1/500sec. f9/10. I always shoot RAW too. On my other camera I can use my 1.4X with the 400mm and still keep auto focus but the f-number goes to f8 minimum and one centre focus point but as I used f9/10 that wouldn't be a problem.Maybe I'll get the new canon 2X-it's a vast improvement on its predecessor, no degradation they say.

I see you live in Southampton. Last Tuesday I was ready to leave home,lunch packed too to go to Dibden by Hythe Village to the pier there to photograph the seven Cunard ships all leaving together but I looked at the forecast on TV and it showed a lot of rain coming from France from about 4.30pm -they sailed at 6.30pm so reluctantly I stayed here,my heart wanted to go, my head said no. A neighbour went because his mother lives near there and he was visiting her and his photos were,on his own admission, pretty dismal. A lot of drizzle he said which almost obscured one of the liners, Arcadia I think. I was planning on going with my wife this coming Friday when at 4.30pm the three Queens will be leaving. Queen Elizabeth,Queen Mary 11 and Queen Victoria but it looks like déja vu re. rain. Maybe it's something you'd like to photograph and you might get a break in the weather but it's 2 hours drive from here. This will be the second such event event involving the three- the first was June 5th. so a second bite of the cherry for sightseers and photographers.
Hi John
I was going to go and take some liner photos last week, but one look outside, and I went back to bed. The weather was no better in the evening either.
My straggly, if it helps is to go for cropped in photos. Having a prime (I do have a 100-400 as well) means the only zoom is manual, walk back walk forwards and therefore side on all in is a non starter. Unless it's the RAF Hawk of course, which always displays 2 County's north of the airfield.
Anyway, I am now back for not so sunny Fairford, and have , erm a lot of photos to go through, so you'll see more of what I mean as I upload them.
Oh and I used to have a 400 F5.6, I thought it was a great lens.
Having said that about side ons, here's one exception that proves the rule.

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Great shots Bernie.
What metering mode are you using mate?
Eval, centre weighted or spot?
I always have trouble at air shows with the planes coming out underexposed - especially against grey skies.
Great pics mate - really sharp.
I'm hopefully going to get along to Lucars again this year but struggling with the 70-200mm + 1.4 tele.
Just not long enough.
Fantastic set again, great work Bernie and keep on posting your fantastic work.
Cheers Bernie,taken all that on board. More wonderful photos here. I'm still with that MiG-29 as my favourite thoough-first of the two in your second post - it's outstanding. That Stealth is something else.Looking forward to more.
Loving the tornado capture, great work look forward to seeing more of your work
Brilliant -again. I see you can even take top quality shots standing on your head :D
A great Saturday morning treat (y)

Bernie- I don't see a website nor a Flickr link for you - have I missed it ?