Rider in the mist

I don't usually post on here but...

…and why not if I would dare to ask?
This is, in my book, very fine imagery…
I am not a friend of framed renditions but this is your privilege!
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Have you got one without the cyclist? To me that would be a very strong image ;)
Have you got one without the cyclist? To me that would be a very strong image.
I disagree, Nick - that would remove the focal point, and thereby weaken the image. It would become a generalised pattern of conflicting interest, lacking any particular node.
I disagree, Nick - that would remove the focal point, and thereby weaken the image. It would become a generalised pattern of conflicting interest, lacking any particular node.

To me there is a conflict there already as I want to look at the boats and that atmospheric mist/smoke rather than some bloke on a push bike to which my eye is drawn.

I find the boats in that lovely setting offer a very romantic ideal of what it must be like to spend time on them, it's timeless. The intrusion of the cyclist just kills it as I get taken to place I don't want to be, a place where grown men ride bikes in very safe environments and still feel the need to wear helmets and silly leotards.

I'd rather not be the cyclist (who probably earns 35k a year in a soul destroying office and needs to get home to his demanding wife and child before breakfast), I want to be waking up on that boat, woolly headed and stinking after quaffing a flagon of scrumpy, having talked long into the night with a buxom wench...

But maybe that's just me :D
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I like both, but on balance prefer it with the cyclist. It's just down to personal taste, isn't it!
Lovely images I like both. Looks like it was taken below the lock at Wolverley
Yes it was Mark. Stood on the bridge with others taking photos on their phones at first but it was getting a bit hairy with cars coming past at 60mph within inches of your bum.

Thought so walked that bit of the canal numerous times over the years my parents live in the cottage behind The Lock Pub. I know what you mean about the road I hate trying to get out of the lane on to the main road!
I'm with Nick on this @Nick Livesey . My first though was to want to see the image without the cyclist and for me, it makes it a lovely image without him in it :)

Also, in the first, what's the white speckles over the image? Rain or hail? Its very noticeable behind the cyclist, above the tow path and in front of the boat :thinking:........It doesn't seem to be there in the 2nd image.
I'm with Nick on this @Nick Livesey . My first though was to want to see the image without the cyclist and for me, it makes it a lovely image without him in it :)

Also, in the first, what's the white speckles over the image? Rain or hail? Its very noticeable behind the cyclist, above the tow path and in front of the boat :thinking:........It doesn't seem to be there in the 2nd image.

I would guess its a filter added in PP but I could be wrong
I would guess its a filter added in PP but I could be wrong

I find it a little distracting,........I was surprised no one else had mention it, but this year I've decided to try be more decisive when posting :)
I find it a little distracting,........I was surprised no one else had mention it, but this year I've decided to try be more decisive when posting :)

Are you sure? ;)

I like without the bike better, it does give a beautiful tranquil vibe..

ALSO.....thank you to @Nick Livesey for giving me a good chuckle :D
Are you sure? ;)

I like without the bike better, it does give a beautiful tranquil vibe..

ALSO.....thank you to @Nick Livesey for giving me a good chuckle :D

Keep up girl!
.......I prefer it with out the bike too (read up^^^^^^^) ......I was talking about the white speckles behind the cyclist and in front of the boat.........you only just woke up? :p :D
The mist, the light, the puddles and the cyclist......all element which contribute positively to the shot.
Without the cyclist, the main anchor for the image is missing.
Without the cyclist, the main anchor for the image is missing.

With out the cyclist, does it not help to stimulate the mind to thinking more about the boats,the people on them, what they're doing there,ect? :)

As mentioned above, it makes the image timeless.
Keep up girl!
.......I prefer it with out the bike too (read up^^^^^^^) ......I was talking about the white speckles behind the cyclist and in front of the boat.........you only just woke up? :p :D

Typical bloke reads it wrong!! :p
I know you prefer it without. I guess I should have used a separate post for the rest!
The are you sure bit was for you being decisive lol
Typical bloke reads it wrong!! :p
I know you prefer it without. I guess I should have used a separate post for the rest!
The are you sure bit was for you being decisive lol

That's why we have multi-quotes :p.........but yes I did read it wrong! :oops: :$ :kiss:
With out the cyclist, does it not help to stimulate the mind to thinking more about the boats,the people on them, what they're doing there,ect? :)

As mentioned above, it makes the image timeless.

Not in my opinion, no.