River Ouse, East Sussex.

Nice dreamy quality to this ... the 'wildlife' in me wonders what goes in and out of those holes in the right-hand bank :)
There seems to be a yellowy lightness reflected in the water that isn't present in the sky?
I like the composition and the natural-looking pastel colours (so many landscape photos these days look like they've been fed steroids, colour-wise), however the light patch of willow catkins or blossom (can't make out which) in the centre of the top third of the frame tends to draw the eye away from the photo as a whole. Also, there is some sort of pixilation going in in the top right hand corner and around the grey areas of the water, not sure what's gone on there? Perhaps revisit the same spot early one summer morning when there's mist coming off the fields and river, or in winter after a hard frost (and no catkins or blossom), and take the shot again?
I like the the composition, but not the "muddy" result of the editing.