Road trip on cheap Scotland with Camera

Well I am back.. 1293 miles later.. It was a driving holiday.. most of the time spent in the car... people worried about not having enough time here and there missed the point :)

OK so this was a first time.... However thanks to advance info from this thread... I got most of the pics I wanted.. THANKS:)

Falkirk on panasonic LMX camera.. can see them in camera.. cant get them off.. says card need formating :(

kelpies.. Went early evening took pics of the missus with them ..all the holiday stuff.. went back at night and WOW.. love the shots.. well happy

Dolphin.. chanory point...Everyhting said an hr after low tide.. waited 2 and a half hrs after..then loads showed up.. stayed for nearly 2 hrs.. in all the time only 2 jumped fully out of the water and i missed them.. but got loads bobbing out and back .. got the pic i really wanted simmilar to one on a website.. backs of people and then dolphin in focus... lowest keeper rate of any photo shoot i have been on.. all tails and fins haha

Puffins.. went to dunnett point.. got close up of puffins doing nowt.. nothing special but for a first time I am more than happy with them

Got the usual john o groats at the signpost and other bits.. got waterfalls and mountains and even some outside gleneagles golf thingy... got ben nevis and loch ness..

Didnt get any midges problems at all..

Didnt have any speed camera problems on a9 .. all the single lane they had lorries down to 50 all the way but cars 60.. only on single lanes.. which was stupid if you think about it..

had haggis twice.. both on full scottish breakfast plates..

all in all a great holiday

downloading pics now but cant think of where to put them all in same thread.. prob in here then :)
If you like a drive you could do the Applecross run from Inverness in a big loop over the Bealach ne Ba (twisty windy single track road over the mountain) and back via the northern coastal road, if you like views you'll be in wonder on that trip. I did this run yesterday in about 4 1/2 hours with only short stops though you can stop off in Applecross to eat etc. I had only one stop and that was an obstreperous highland cow saying "f*** off with yer damned Korean car a'm standin here as long as I like" I finally got it to move by hitting it on the head with a Malteser :LOL: Dash cam missed the good bit though I was looking forward to posting it.

This is the bit heading up the mountain on the way to Applecross.

If you haven't done the pass and ate the prawns in the Applecross inn then you haven't been to Scotland ;-)
Pics or it didn't happen :D
Falkirk on panasonic LMX camera.. can see them in camera.. cant get them off.. says card need formating :(

Are you able to connect the camera direct to the PC and get them off that way?
Are you able to connect the camera direct to the PC and get them off that way?

thanks.. for some reason they downloaded easy from the home card reader.. but not from the card reader i use when out for work and not from the card slot built into the laptop.. but got home and downloaded no problem..

very strange but at least got :)
PS ... 1300 and about130 quids worth of fuel... Quiet pleased with that.....

Had 67 miles in tank.. put a total of 140 quid in.. done 1293 miles and says 158 left in tank..
Car had a luverly time as well :)



Some cracking shots on you're links Tony - just showed my wife the Kelpies shots and she was very impressed - looking up where they are as I type...

Think we might be having a trip some time...
Some cracking shots on you're links Tony - just showed my wife the Kelpies shots and she was very impressed - looking up where they are as I type...

Think we might be having a trip some time...

Falkirk wheel also in same place.... drops boats down from canal way up high down to canal below... nice place to visit.. got pics of thata s well.. just a few minutes away from the kelpies.. google falkirk wheel :)
Really glad you enjoyed your time in Scotland.

You might not realise it now but this is just the start of the addiction. :)

Falkirk wheel also in same place.... drops boats down from canal way up high down to canal below... nice place to visit.. got pics of thata s well.. just a few minutes away from the kelpies.. google falkirk wheel :)

Cheers - will have a look
That is a good one, Kipax and captures the atmosphere at Chanonry Point well.

That is a good one, Kipax and captures the atmosphere at Chanonry Point well.


Seen somehtign simmilar on a website and wanted to reproduce as i really liked it.. dolphins wernt jumping out as high as other peoples pics on TP and only had the one go at it.. would have liked a few days..well i was there 3 days but went out other places when tide was right.... might have to spend a week up there... haha as you say :)
Car had a luverly time as well :)

I get to see that scenery just about every day :D

Mind you it's like Picadilly Circus at Channonry point these days, bloody hard to get a decent shot with all the bodies in the way.