Robin in the park

Hi Chris, your first shot is a big step up from your earlier thread with the birds in flight. Yes there is a bit of noise but not that much that couldn't be sorted in PP.
#2 I'm afraid you have missed the focus on quite badly and is beyond help.
#3 Looks noisy and also looks liked you cropped quite heavily which just makes the noise look worse.
#4 & 5 both have been spoilt by the amount of back light which has fooled your cameras exposer meter.
I'm sure you can see most of that your self and none of it is meant to be criticism but just pointing out where and how you can improve.
Hi Chris, your first shot is a big step up from your earlier thread with the birds in flight. Yes there is a bit of noise but not that much that couldn't be sorted in PP.
#2 I'm afraid you have missed the focus on quite badly and is beyond help.
#3 Looks noisy and also looks liked you cropped quite heavily which just makes the noise look worse.
#4 & 5 both have been spoilt by the amount of back light which has fooled your cameras exposer meter.
I'm sure you can see most of that your self and none of it is meant to be criticism but just pointing out where and how you can improve.
Hi andy I think it's been a good improvement so far but there's still along way to go yet!!

How would I resolve the noise in pp?

Thanks chris
Hi Darren I use photoshop not sure which version though sorry for the lack of knowledge
In Photoshop under filters there are two called despeckle and reduce noise, try those with various settings and see what you get. I'm sure there are better ways as there always are but you would need someone with a lot more PP experience than me for that.
If you go to Photoshop on line help there are a lot of videos and helpful post there to guide you further.
The best way is to avoid the noise in camera in the first place, heavy cropping doesn't help and try to keep the iso down when you can. Not always easy I know especially when trying for a faster shutter speed.