Critique Roe buck feeding

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Another from the same stalk as my last image a bit earlier on,he's just been spooked by the hare I mentioned and is having a breif munch before settling back down for a nap. Man what a blast that stalk was.

I've been on the roe a bit of late,can't keep up posting wise.:( Got 4 different bucks yesterday ,there's a first !!! Nowt like this effort wise, basically I drag me sorry butt out of bed silly early and drive round all me roe hotspots,really productive and I can be a lazy old git and make images from a buggy fieldcraft isn't just a mud scrubblin:D. That said this POV in the above makes this frame for me one doesn't get than froma window

processed in dpp colour nr gamma exp then to pscc layers curves levels nr to bkg sharps.

canon 1div 400dois ii ext1.4iii 1/4000 f7.1 iso 3200

_70F8076roe buck feeding SM by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

sheers for any thoughts

being picky - maybe crop a bit from the bottom ? find it drawing my eye
Hey Rob thanks for your time,be picky mate,be brutal if needed,I want to learn ,it's good to hear others thoughts. Nowt will hurt me:)

I sort of agree,essentially I feel I should have framed better,i'd set up for a head up image and didn't see this coming.

That said when I first saw thiis on the PC my immediate thought was I like the foreground,even though I feel my framing was poor. Simply put : it made me as the viewer feel like I was lying infront of me mate. It's difficult detaching one's self at times from the wonderful experience(ie a wild roe buck this close) which is why I ask for crit so oft . I try really hard to be brutally honest with myself and not let my feelings in,be utterly objective see through the viewers eyes dispassionately,but it ain't easy

I aspire to shoot FF not crops really Rob,I also tend to post FF even if I am musing a crop,to see what folks think,it also seems more honest somehow to me!!

Fair comment Rob ,I don't think you are being picky at all though buddy:D

take care


I can see you point on the making it feel like you are laying in front, had not considered that..
and i know on the detachment from your own work bit, i am way to critical of my work so end up binning stuff.

Rob , deleting ,is for me the hardest thing,the first cull easy,but then...., after that..................,hmmmmm i'm not good at deleting,..............................Ones viewpoint is constantly changing constistently more demanding

With these mad 10 frame /sec cameras we can amass mages quickly given half a chance. This one off type of chance yeilded maybe 40 50 frames a lot of waste early on,to keep him cool,But there are frames I should cull for framing,that maybe I'll never get a chance of taking again,one springs to miind,it feels like i'm looking up his nose lmao:D

When on earth is that going to happen again, I cut his horns off.:( But I'm sort of loath to cull it ,because this chance comming again it simply doesn't happen every day,

I keep too much ,but every now and then bin alot ,it's progressive I think mate,this deleting lark, but not straight forwards !!
