Critique Roe buck portrait (ha ha close!!)

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I guess all us guys that love nature and making images have the odd picture lodged in our brains that we would like to make one day. One of those for me is a Roe buck ,so close I can hear him breath . I guess the best way to achieve such might be the old sit and wait,pop ya hide in the right place and put in the hours. Sadly my life consists of snatched chances,out with the camera when ever I possibly can what ever the weather,so as some of you know I tend to stalk many of my subjects. I adore Roe a tiny bit special for two reasons one a true native,we should only have two deer here,and secondly they are wild. You are just not going to go to a country estate and walk up to these guys,Folks I have no probs with anyone grabbing an image of deer used to people things get twisted in webland I wanted to be clear there. But me I love their wildness,the fact they are wary of us so a fair challenge for a guy like me to grab a bit of time with.

Ironically once again we were out after our beloved hares,when I spotted this bit of brown tucked into a hedge,we were scouting for numbers of hares together,so I could mess up a boxing chance lol. I slowed got me ID and moved on aways. My biggest sadness with all this was I couldn't leave the buggy in sight of him,he'd already clocked me So my darling was unceremoniously dumped out of sight with me apologiesing profusely I knew this wasn't going to be quick unless I messed up

For once I had light lovely bright stuff OORRAA and also and more importantly if I was to have a chance of getting to him the wind was blowing well and pretty good direction wise to boot. Sometime how I stalk derr is nuts,this was one I almost ran the first bit,using a hedge as a blind side came to a gap and slowed right up. From here the last 70yards or so every movement was measured. all done crawling. A big patch of nettels were somewhat disconcerting as I went through them above my face,mind everythiing was covered ,thank god. My first obstacle ironically a hare also sat doxing the buck had now laid down and was utterly chilled,there was no way past the hare,so very carefully I made the wrong move just after he'd spotted me,.Seriously risky and maybe a debate to have if I can grab time later,this aspect and how folks feel interests me. The hare spooked the buck and he stood staring all ways to work out what was up, then chilled and went back to dozing. All the time I was snapping a few frames every few yards. Pretty muchall frames useless because of a morass of dead stems between me and him leaning out from the hedge. That last 70 yards to nearly an hour but finally I felt close enough to start the move from the hedge to maybe get an image of him dozing,he was clearly aware of the shutter but with care and constant periods of waiting for him to settle all seemed good and finally I start to get a few frames to hopefully keep. Man I was thrilled,eventually he got up and the real fun started.

The minute he was up he became very aware I was there,but he hadn't really clocked me,so he did that classic roe thang of coming over for a look see. I've had this a few times before but sadly never measured up as a photographer or been clobbered by obstructions. This time no cover no nothing light and wind I had a real chance. They so often circle as thy approach and this was no exception the frame you'll see is taken with me legs in one direction and my blummin top half at right angles. Trying to walk one self round on elbows while lying down was all but hilarious I just didn't want to move my feet to aggressively and spook him . It was the devils own job framing and I missed many. Finally he spooked,I think it was me ,but he was also watching something else,I rolled on to my back and lay there like a zombie buzzing with what had just happened completely exhausted barely able to breath. Simply one of the best roe if not the best roe encounters of my life man it was awesome

So here is one of those frame I didn't completely mess up,critique hard please I've wanted this a long time I'd appreciate your thoughts.

I'm sorry in a way for the long ramble obviously this one is special to me personally,and sure I tell the tale behind the image quite often. Here what I really wanted to share as best I can is the field craft behind the image. Guys I have never been able to help anyone here much with how a camera works,I'm learning, so much myself. Yet constantly folks here and else where spend their precious time teaching me and I have nowt to give back bar this type of thing, That's the real reason for all these words. i'm no expert I just love nature and have been doing this type of thing since childhood. I don't know if the animals read all this and allow me liberties it matters not,but if one guy got closer to a deer because of this I'll be a happy bunny

So thanks for reading this far here's a piccy for ya as framed no crop canon 1Div 400DO is ii ext 1.4 iii 1/1250 f8 iso 3200

Too funny my teachers suggested I use AV mode,i've always shot M. M (manual) is probably not the best way to learn,but my personal failings mean I need to constantly reinforce my techs so have gone this route which suits me . So here I am the best chance in my life completely out of my depth using AV mode for the very first time. As I lay there on my back at the end I wondered,did I just blow the latter stage completely ,I turned the wrong dial looking for more dof so the exp is very hot,I maybe got away with.............. it.over to you



_70F8239Reobuck portait sm by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr
Great story.
Great image.
Simply put, from me, you nailed it!
Superb image, you did very well indeed to capture what are very shy and easily spooked animals

Well Done
A lovely image that captures the character of these charming deer, but what I love most about your posts is the story. I was living it with you (except in reality I would have been dumped unceremoniously at the first hurdle as well). It brought to mind a long time ago I was out shooting rabbits (not with a camera.......), prowling very slowly down a hedgerow I came to a gap and there on the other side was a roe. I just froze, and we stared at each other for a long time. It was wary, but didn't perceive me as an immediate threat. It's very hard freezing in mid stride and staying there for several minutes - you probably know this. In the end the deer got bored and casually moved away, I heaved a bit of a sigh of relief that I could move again and was left with the memory. I'm not sure I could hear the deer breathing but it could almost certainly hear me.
Guys sorry for the slow reply lovely weather and a break,so I've been dawn to dust spent aquiring images what can I say you are all probably doing the same
H cheers what's ya name
Paul thank you,I sort of wish I'd been in M and notched the dof,but I'm thrilled,the encounter was so cool
Chris,yup they are tricky ,but if one gets it right they can be very curious,had the same thing tonight actually,but the light had gone and my stalking was a bit poor if I'm honest , I suppose I knew there was no end game, and didn't really put in the graft.........but he still wanted to know who I was,

Jan cheers for the return story. Ha ha mid stride freeze yup I know it well:),I suspect you are better than me though I tend to wobble if not go over:D It's so wonderful these moments in our lives,how does one articulate that !!!!!

Jan that's the thing about this camera malarky,I've always had those memories but nowt to show anyone. I have a few, very few close mates,whom know me and this side,they have watched it,but bar them,who would believe me.If I told folks I spend time with a baby hare yards away ,you can see it on their faces "Oh yeah sure ya do,I can't get in the same field as a hare without it running off"

So it's nice to be able to share this and have proof in a RAW of just how close this fella came to check me out. It's not an easy animal to make close up images of,I've failed a few times now mainly because my camera skills are lacking,but slowly and surely I've banked a few Roe now. I'm waiting for the mum's to burst it has to be soon,maybe this year a fawn/kid,I already have ears LMAO

When times were hard my family ate meat because of the humble bunny,I have no probs with taking a sustainable surplus from nature,but even then, as with you, you would know a milky doe and leave her be...................I have massive problems with baby animals left with out a mum it messes me up Jan really does ....... Made a few images of a baby boar recently,still basically at the humbug stage no mum no siblings.Again I came home haunted

Ha ,7 hares in one frame this morn Jan and still no boxing in an image tough old world;)

seeya guys cheers for the likes aswell
