Roe shots from last night


Private James Frazer
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As I mentioned last night I have now had a go at the rest of the Roe shots.
I was lucky enough to witness some Roe behaviour . Firts the Buck wanders up to the doe & has a sniff. He then loses interset & starts feeding. She gets a bit skittish & jumps playfully at him. Then they start to circle. It used to be thought this circling which often takes place round a bush or stone was the buck chasing the doe. This doe definitely started the circling while he followed. They went round a few times before.... crack! The pine tree I was leaning on. I broke a dead twig. This stopped them in their tracks. Just after that they wandered among the trees & started feeding. The light was very bad so I decided to call it a night & leave them in peace. What I found interesting was that this behaviour usually takes place later when the horns & are clean ( out of velvet) I have never seen circling so early in the year.
Now the cloud in my silver lining!
When I had been crawling about in the ditch I lost a 50p piece:crying: It was worth it though:LOL:




Well worth 50p :LOL:
Great sequence, and words to go with it. :clap: (y)
Curses on the twig though! :bang:
Last one super, well done.
Brilliant sequence, Charlie.... well done. (y)
Very good Charlie, I wonder what he was planning ;)

Look forward to seeing more.

Very good Charlie, I wonder what he was planning ;)

Look forward to seeing more.

Thanks folks.
HE wasnt planning anything:LOL: It was her ladyship that got all playful with him & started to lead him around in circles.:shrug:
More! It has taken me 50 years to get a shot of Roe circling like that:shrug: Its not time for it either:rules:
Great to see, just love them, doesn't seem to be an old buck not being any sign of coming out of velvet, but as you say the way they were acting would put them in the younger bracket although some might dispute that.
Great to see, just love them, doesn't seem to be an old buck not being any sign of coming out of velvet, but as you say the way they were acting would put them in the younger bracket although some might dispute that.

Yes they are youngsters. There are two real beauties of bucks on the hill this year & quite a number of lesser ones. I see trouble ahead! None of the bucks have started cleaning yet though.
Great story, great pics and such a sad ending for them :( and for you :D
Fantastic stuff Charlie! (y)
I know nothing of the behaviour of these animals, so I feel Im getting a bit of an education here as well as some sneak previews of them & their habitat.

Damn that 50p though ... think you'll just have to go back to look for it! ;)
Fantastic stuff Charlie! (y)
I know nothing of the behaviour of these animals, so I feel Im getting a bit of an education here as well as some sneak previews of them & their habitat.

Damn that 50p though ... think you'll just have to go back to look for it! ;)

Education! I am the fella that ran away from the primary school to collect frogs spawn for my new pond. Been running away from institutions ever since.:LOL: But thank you for your kind comments.
splendid pics and a good story to boot