Critique Roe

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Now I think this is mum:eek:,but there is just a chance it;s whom we believe is her son.:oops: :$ Pretty sure it's mum though.

I have always adored how that red thing in summer so svelt and fine becomes this much heavier grey stocky thing in winter, and marveled cause it's just a few hairs. Their appearance is so different in form and colour one could easily think they were two different beasts different species,I love that in our native roe.

This is one of the guys that I mentioned in me charlie thread. After studying a lot of OOF frames it seems she has a buck kidlet,I know these two saw then in the summer many times,but they always beat me.:D

Sharp cookies these two,long may it stay this way living: in a young tree plantation is not the best idea for Roe. They cause a lot of damage and there are those whom would rather they didn't .

This one is tricky ,trying not to be sentimental, they can play hell with young trees But they are one of just two natives here and properly wild.I can see why my fallow need control it's hard but I can see why,but struggle a bit here. Frankly I'd like to see more roe not less. They are quiet unseen guys, i'd love to know more about them. I have snippets of sightings and images.

I sort of hoped these might be where I clocked them last time and incidentally the exact spot I saw them oft in the summer. So I was moving so slow it was all but painful,it's so easy to be quiet but too fast,. In these tangles of weeds and young trees,too fast is always my undoing

Even the snail going backwards approach failed, still one of them had me before me it ,a five or so minute stand off and she relaxed and went back to the other,whom at that stage I knew nothing off.

so gradually it all closed down ( this image is something half way in I suppose ) and me caught out.!!! I just couldn't see me getting withing 8M of a roe or charlie,whom is about and barking,told ya soon jan;).

So there was me dead in the water DOH ,:rolleyes: roe slightly up a bank her coming to see me and me stuffed completely cause I can't move to get at me focus switch. A twitch and she would have been off.

Stunning experience just a crying shame i made the choice I did. It's around sunset naturally the cloud of death rolled in and clobbered me light ,so i was scratching about anyway. But that switch choice will haunt me a while UGG just didn't see that one coming at all. I know they can be curious guys,but stood like i was no cover bar me feeble tree impression I still can't fathom what happened.

hey ho nowt wrong with learning the hard way !! It was the coolest thing though :)that one will have me smiling a goodly while.

She's run rings around me for ages and then when I am utterly without cover comes trotting over couldn't make it up !!!!:banghead:

here's an image crit welcome i'm sort of cresting a hill sun to right big old black cloud has literally just killed the light but the sun is about to drop behind trees anyway . So i'm scrabbling iso up to 5000 wide open for 560mm at f5.6, ss 1/500 image not cropped processed in dpp4 400 DO is ii !div ext 1.4iii

_70F4296 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

bloody deer:D

Stu roe are twitchy at the best of times only seemly less so when they have a fawn, possibly because they are concentrating on keeping him/her close, gettinng as near as you did was good. At other times thay can like you say, just pop out from cover and not bat an eyelid or speed off barking their alarm call, so look is with you if you can get a close enough shot of one. Maybe you could have got a better image with the bare lens but I suspect if you had tried to remove the 1.4x iii it would have spooked her and the result is no shot to end the day, and the image doesn't look half bad at iso 5000
I haven't noticed any degradation in image quality with the 1.4 ex iii and the 400mm DO ii, in fact i use it with the 2x ex iii and again, even in low light it performs amazing with my 5D4. I shoot handheld as this is the whole point of such an amazing lens in a compact design.

I regularly go out to photograph roe, you will see them at all times of the day. I have walked past, heavy on foot on my way back to the car after not seeing any to literally trip over a couple. They don't seem to care until you pay them any sort of attention, then they are gone, never to be seen again.

The young are amazing, to get within ten metres is a huge achievement if they know you're there. Only other way is to bury yourself in their feeding ground and hope they wander past. Bear in mind a lot of the Does are pregnant now so they're extra skittish.

I find its best to see them before dawn, but not everyone is keen on 5am starts.. ;-)
Yup Martin (how ya doing merry chrimbo) very twitchy these with good reason and me aswell frankly

. I know i'm picked up on stalkers' thermal imaging cameras here bro a hilarious incident I got caught caught by a new stalker .............. ,No one sees me ( I kid meself) and the sod has just spotted me from miles off, drive up in his 4x4 two courting hares up the swanny for good measure .

So i'm being a bit cautious mate,I was playing the odds bro no chance of getting that close I was wrong:).

If I had of had an inckling this might occur I'd have been bare no ext. I simply,never saw it coming at all doh !! They are mine too mate I have watched this lad grow no images ,mind I can't get near them:D proper sharp,but they need that!!;)

That's how it works I'll go back try again.

Buddy so far I suspect I have maybe one chance where these tools had reasonable light and one frame,nowt special a grey squirrel hiding (silly sod I had him 100 yards away.;)) that show me what this lens might do. At this time the weight the balance is awesome maybe it focuses slightly slower with the 1.4 than the 300 in lower light maybe it hunts more in low light maybe that is something to do with differing technologies, maybe sommit to do with the f numbers involved,me shooting an older camera an all. It's hard to be objective mate need some ruddy light to mess about with.

I dunno,it kicks with the light just no real chance to show anything much other than low light grabby stuff where I'm being tested more than the gear. I've got another closer roe image to share I think it's ok, but as I say I was really,a scrabbling ....want way more SS and a bit more dof .

Martin this 8M is something to learn from though for me . The three M distance as absolute min makes this lens not great for close,what caught me here is that lesser to infinity distance ie 8M to infinity which I use to increase focus speed aqusition.

My old girl was 6.4 ,it sounds insignificant but there would probably have been more to keep if there was another 1.6 m involved . When that is right at the distance one might love to make a very intimate roe portrait at 560 or thereabouts with a tricky guy like a roe that's a crucial choice to make no one gets these chances every day

That choice cost me more possibly then not having the ext on??

Mate do take on board these comments relative to the lens are just my thoughts not even opinions as of yet, There are choices at 400mm and I'm just bunging random thoughts at you that might help you nab the right tool for you it is that at this MM range grabbing that right tool for what each of us does
take care kiddo

stu ..
Nice Stu, glad you're setting to play with the new toy. The IQ from that thing can be stunning as we've discussed previously.

Nice framing on this one, this right amount of landscape to make this work well, and although it looks great as presented here, it's one to put aside for a re-work once you get a bit of editing time behind you.

Nice Stu, glad you're setting to play with the new toy. The IQ from that thing can be stunning as we've discussed previously.

Nice framing on this one, this right amount of landscape to make this work well, and although it looks great as presented here, it's one to put aside for a re-work once you get a bit of editing time behind you.


Mike first thanks for all the help with me images these last years. Buddy you have spent a lot of your time editing images and educating me and alot of others here let me say a cheers not only for me but the others too.

Happy chistmas mate!!

Cheers on the framing,I got there after a couple of frame to make sure I had something. I'm pushing the lens here,or maybe moreso the camera Mike but yup IQ seems good,it's tempered by me being me and me operating . It's interesting comparing this to the old 300 certainly not much in it. As above I think . I wont see the best from what this tool can really do until I upgrade camera,but i'm away buddy. I think I nabbed me first spar in flight today total spin and grab image,looks ok framing poor but I need to play a bit yet but I'm chuffed.

mike PC here all functioning just deliberating which PS to grab now and then the hardship will begin getting my head around it won't be easy but i'm still looking forwards to having a crack,so much banked mate to go back too can't wait!1

cheers again mucker

I haven't noticed any degradation in image quality with the 1.4 ex iii and the 400mm DO ii, in fact i use it with the 2x ex iii and again, even in low light it performs amazing with my 5D4. I shoot handheld as this is the whole point of such an amazing lens in a compact design.

I regularly go out to photograph roe, you will see them at all times of the day. I have walked past, heavy on foot on my way back to the car after not seeing any to literally trip over a couple. They don't seem to care until you pay them any sort of attention, then they are gone, never to be seen again.

The young are amazing, to get within ten metres is a huge achievement if they know you're there. Only other way is to bury yourself in their feeding ground and hope they wander past. Bear in mind a lot of the Does are pregnant now so they're extra skittish.

I find its best to see them before dawn, but not everyone is keen on 5am starts.. ;-)

Buddy I'm sorry i've replied to you and this time I'm sure I hit submit,which ever way my humble apologies. Kiddo is your name stu aswell??

It's a good tool buddy I strongly suspect that a newer camera will allow me to see what this lens can really do,my 1Div is an older camera now. nonetheless i'm enjoying using it . Mate i'd love to see what you do , the warmest of welcomes I hope you learn much here and enjoy cheers on your kind thoughts about roe

Ha ha yup you are right I see them on my way to work,my issue is dragging my sorry self out of bed on a sunny morn. I seem to be totally unable to get out of bed for a sunrise,I nail it if it's raining;),couple in my grafting and although I agree completely,dawn and me in the winter is one hard thing to manage. Be that as it may as you say it's knowing where they hole up then they are available more readily at other parts of the day. Interesting musing this they are not really nocturnal, I suspect it is mankind that made them like this

Again many thanks for you thoughts,can't wait to see what you do especially with the same lens.;)..much to learn happy chistmas kiddo have a great new year
