Critique Round the bloody bends

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Was out to visit a friend from TP this weekend (South of France)
On the way to his place which is about 70 miles, about a quarter of it is via small mountainous roads like this.
The whole day consisted of about 200 miles and about 50 hairpin bends, I`m sick of them now lol
On the other hand, the final destination and views was worth it.
Thanks for looking and any crit is welcome.
I`m normally in the Macro section but couldn`t resist this shot.

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good shot
great road for a motorbike

Agree It's a good shot, disagree about motor bike, they normally have problems with corners like that, especially going down, far too tight for a bike, but great road for a Lotus.
Agree It's a good shot, disagree about motor bike, they normally have problems with corners like that, especially going down, far too tight for a bike, but great road for a Lotus.
I`ll give you the coordinates and you tell me when you will be here with your Lotus and ill meet you there, I like the Hethel built cars ;)