RS Turbo Cab

nice shot!!!

it most probably would have looked better taken from a lower view point angled higher up so you have the whole height of the bridge and less uninteresting floor, and also with the car not dead central too- a bit to the right would make it more photographically pleasing...

either way lovely motor!! you dont see many of these around anymore!
nice shot!!!

it most probably would have looked better taken from a lower view point angled higher up so you have the whole height of the bridge and less uninteresting floor, and also with the car not dead central too- a bit to the right would make it more photographically pleasing...

either way lovely motor!! you dont see many of these around anymore!

Thank you Terry, I had the opportunity to shoot the car again yesterday but the setting was really naff so I decided not too. I think the main problem is my position when I took the shot I thought it looked good with the bridge but if I had the opportunity to shoot it again I think like you said lower with a higher angle.

Also a good tip when photographing cars is to have the front wheels angled towards the camera so you see the actual wheel rather than the tyre

Its also usual to try to avoid having anything projecting out of the top of the car like you have here with the bridge

Looks like a tidy motor though
Also a good tip when photographing cars is to have the front wheels angled towards the camera so you see the actual wheel rather than the tyre

Its also usual to try to avoid having anything projecting out of the top of the car like you have here with the bridge

Looks like a tidy motor though

Thank you Rich, I will remember the wheels next time. The bridge I thought it looked good at the time :thinking: but most comments ive had says its in the wrong position so if I get the chance again I would shoot from a different angle.

that looks like nicks cabby
I agree with Rich, the bridge would be a nice subject with the car, but beside it rather than on top of it, good start for a first shoot though, do you have any more images of it?