Samsung Should have warned me !


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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This one beats the McD's "hot coffee" compensation hands down, or should I say ..... :D

“Samsung is definitely at fault here as they offer no warning about the dangers and potential risks during the insertion of their products inside their clients male or female body cavities or genitals” Salma Briant’s lawyer, Jim McAfee said in court.

Sheesh. I cannot believe that people can be that stupid but clearly they are. And as for suing Samsung, that beggars belief as well.
The instructions clearly state that it should be removed from the case before you ...
This one beats the McD's "hot coffee" compensation hands down, or should I say ..... :D

“Samsung is definitely at fault here as they offer no warning about the dangers and potential risks during the insertion of their products inside their clients male or female body cavities or genitals” Salma Briant’s lawyer, Jim McAfee said in court.

It beggars belief that such a case even got to there no sense of "personal responsibility" in the USA???

Such case(s) are worrying because they open the door (already open?) to people doing irrationally daft things with the expectation that they will win big $$$$'s .And once the companys lose the case/capitulate to out of court settlement.........the queue will just grow (think of all the court cases that jumped on the coattails of the genuine ones in the Deep Water Horizon disaster, because some accounts I read at the time lawyers saw $$ signs and encouraged the spurious claims!!!)

PS one Darwin "contestant" I recall was the Winnebago buyer who thought Cruise Control was actually Auto Pilot.
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.is there no sense of "personal responsibility" in the USA???
Not that I'd noticed and TBH we seem to be following suit.

It may of may not be true, but there are some pretty ridiculous cases reported on a daily basis.
And this is just one that fits the "profile" ;)
Snigger... Had to press the "Insert [!] Quotes" button. :D

Only in [an] America[n]!

Sheesh. I cannot believe that people can be that stupid but clearly they are. And as for suing Samsung, that beggars belief as well.

Beggars or bugg… ? :naughty:
I'm betting she's seen this previously and thought, thats a good idea :D ...



"Hello, Mr Kazoo, meet Miss Wazoo."
I'm not sure of the validity of that site. Look at the other hot news headlines :D


Seriously though, Chris. Have you read into the McDonalds Coffee story? I used to think like most people "Wah wah, coffee too hot, sue McDonalds, typical blame culture" etc.
Then I actually read up on the case and it's become a tale of myth and legend and IMO was a fair case.....perpetuated and helped along by McDonalds? Who knows?

She suffered third degree burns around her thighs, groin and buttocks, of 6% of her skin.
She was hospitalised for 8 days and had to undergo numerous skin grafts.

She initially asked for McDonalds to cover her medical bills, and her granddaughters lost income while caring for her....which totalled $20,000. They offered $800.

McDonalds policy was to serve coffee around 180 degrees, which was proven to be unfit for consumption at that temperature as it would burn the mouth and throat.
If spilled at that temperature it would cause third degree burns in 3 to 7.
Coffee made at home was typically 150 degrees.
They had been repeatedly told that their coffee was too hot, and their response was that they'd done research which showed most consumers purchased it to drink later, so they needed to sell it hotter....this was proved to be a lie. Their research showed that most consumers planned to drink it in the car.
There were also around 700 previous similar scalding claims but they still didn't change their practices, because....700/millions of cups doesn't mean much statistically.
I wonder if anyone tried to ring her? :eek:

I'm not sure of the validity of that site. Look at the other hot news headlines :D
I prefer this one :D

They had been repeatedly told that their coffee was too hot,
And now its luke warm most of the time :(
Occasionally I get a hot one, that needs to be sipped not necked, I suspect that they make them as the order comes in,
and then it sits around for 10 minutes waiting for the food order to be made,
I now stipulate that I would like it made when my order arrives.
Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't

She suffered third degree burns around her thighs, groin and buttocks, of 6% of her skin.
She was hospitalised for 8 days and had to undergo numerous skin grafts.
I agree it must have been terrible for the woman concerned, but if you spill hot drinks, on yourself you are going to get burned.
even at the 150 degrees "at home"
It beggars belief that such a case even got to there no sense of "personal responsibility" in the USA???

Probably because it never happened.

A woman filed a lawsuit against Samsung after her cellphone became stuck in her vagina.

About this rating

This was not a genuine news item but just another piece of junk news from WNDR, whose disclaimer notes that the site’s content is “satirical” and “fictional.”

The photograph included with the story does not show a woman named Salma Briant but rather Kiersten Pyke, who filed a lawsuit against actor Tom Sizemore alleging that he had molested her when she was 11 years old
WTF!!! These people do not deserve to exist!!! How can you be so stupid and get rewarded??? Can I sue my house builder if I run into my wall and repeatedly head but it... after all I was not told not to?

Sad thing is the story mentions an Apple case of a bloke who swallowed 14 iphones and did get a payout!
WTF!!! These people do not deserve to exist!!! How can you be so stupid and get rewarded??? Can I sue my house builder if I run into my wall and repeatedly head but it... after all I was not told not to?

Sad thing is the story mentions an Apple case of a bloke who swallowed 14 iphones and did get a payout!

Have you missed the fact it’s actually a fake story from a parody news site?

The Snopes link is only two posts above yours...
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This one beats the McD's "hot coffee" compensation hands down, or should I say ..... :D

“Samsung is definitely at fault here as they offer no warning about the dangers and potential risks during the insertion of their products inside their clients male or female body cavities or genitals” Salma Briant’s lawyer, Jim McAfee said in court.

Do you know the story of the McDs hot coffee? It wasn't just someone who burnt their mouth on a cup of hot coffee.

"Liebeck was taken to the hospital, where it was determined that she had suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent.[12] She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting"

"Other documents obtained from McDonald's showed that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee to varying degrees of severity, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000"'s_Restaurants
Do you know the story of the McDs hot coffee? It wasn't just someone who burnt their mouth on a cup of hot coffee.

"Liebeck was taken to the hospital, where it was determined that she had suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent.[12] She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting"

"Other documents obtained from McDonald's showed that from 1982 to 1992 the company had received more than 700 reports of people burned by McDonald's coffee to varying degrees of severity, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000"'s_Restaurants
As ably explained already in post 14 of this very thread.
Is she really stupid or is the justice system to blame?

Apple was eventually forced to legally specify that their products were not fit for human consumption and the man was conceded an undisclosed amount of money.

When judgements like this are dished out what do you expect?
Is she really stupid or is the justice system to blame?

When judgements like this are dished out what do you expect?
You didn't see the bit about this being a satirical website then?
By satirical do you mean fake?
Interesting question.

Personally I think there is a difference. I view "fake news" as something which is not true but which is intended to be perceived as true; whereas "satire" is something which is not true and is intended to be perceived (perhaps with some effort on the part of the reader) as not true. So I'd call this satire. YMMV.
I guess, just like everybody else, no.
By satirical do you mean fake?

Maybe read the website’s own description at the bottom of the page of the story and decide yourself...

World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content.

All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
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Maybe read the website’s own description at the bottom of the page of the story and decide yourself...

But I didn't read the bottom of the site, just like the vast majority of people probably don't read the bottom of the site.
I read the story that was linked to from a reputable forum so really didn't think that I had to read all the small print.
Regardless of their disclaimer conveniently placed in the footer which nobody reads, the whole point of these websites are to spread hatred against race, authorities and whatever else. It's fake news.

Unfortunately, the story is credible enough not to ring any immediate alarm bells.
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Unfortunately, the story is credible enough now to ring any immediate alarm bells.
I assume you mean not?
And yes you only have to follow the "Darwin awards" to realise that it is very possible.
I used to be involved with product approval and you just have to assume that some people are utterly stupid, criminal and/or stupid and criminal. There is no limit to peoples stupidity, greed and dishonesty. There's nothing beyond what people will do in stupidity or in a calculated way to get money or some other advantage.

The world would really be a better place if stuff like this was thrown out of court and the person bringing a action and their legal team were fined or better still imprisoned for a criminal level and combination of gross stupidity and greed but of course the legal professions makes it's living doing stuff like this. Shame on them all.

I used to smile to myself as typed "Do not insert body parts..." but I knew I had to. Include the warning that is, not insert...
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I used to smile to myself as typed "Do not insert body parts..." but I knew I had to. Include the warning that is, not insert...
I'm all in favour of removing all warning labels and let the stupid ones weed themselves out :D
(no warnings, no case to answer either :D )

TBH its not a new thing, back in the mid '70's in a different life I was working "shifts" a couple of the guys were caught sound asleep on "nights" .
They were summons to the managers office, long story short, they got off because no one had told them they couldn't sleep at night.
Of course the following night, there were signs everywhere "Anyone caught sleeping on night shift will be dismissed" :D
I'm all in favour of removing all warning labels and let the stupid ones weed themselves out :D
(no warnings, no case to answer either :D )

TBH its not a new thing, back in the mid '70's in a different life I was working "shifts" a couple of the guys were caught sound asleep on "nights" .
They were summons to the managers office, long story short, they got off because no one had told them they couldn't sleep at night.
Of course the following night, there were signs everywhere "Anyone caught sleeping on night shift will be dismissed" :D

Just on not providing warnings and indeed not doing anything health and safety wise. There was as far as I remember a case when someone had cleared the snow from outside of the entrance to their business premises, ice then formed and someone slipped and fell on the ice. The company was found liable as they'd done something whereas if they hadn't there would just have been snow which is weather, act of God etc. I'm sure not clearing the area outside of your company premises is also just a lawsuit waiting to happen too.

I was involved with some absolute shockers and I now fully understand all the stuff that's plastered all over products and fills product user manuals. I haven't seen any for a while but I always used to have a little giggle when I recognised some backside covering stuff in the back of a user manual as something I'd written.

My personal favourite other than the warning not to insert body parts is "Do not hose down electrical equipment." :D I used to go to one place and no matter how many times I told them not to they did actually used to hose the screens down in the production area. These were big old cathode ray things not LCD. The keyboards used to be swimming. Actually at the same place they used to put wet socks over the computer to dry as they thought it was a radiator. I kid you not.
But I didn't read the bottom of the site, just like the vast majority of people probably don't read the bottom of the site.
I read the story that was linked to from a reputable forum so really didn't think that I had to read all the small print.
Regardless of their disclaimer conveniently placed in the footer which nobody reads, the whole point of these websites are to spread hatred against race, authorities and whatever else. It's fake news.

Unfortunately, the story is credible enough not to ring any immediate alarm bells.

Unfortunately it’s just the level of gullibility some people have, as soon as I saw the headline I thought it was nonsense and 30 seconds later I saw on Snopes that it was.

I suppose it’s another reason why the red top tabloids are so popular in this country, so many people just believe everything they read without actually stopping to think about it first.
There was as far as I remember a case when someone had cleared the snow from outside of the entrance to their business premises, ice then formed and someone slipped and fell on the ice. The company was found liable as they'd done something
I quite believe it TBH.
Some people these days are incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.
I'm not knocking H&S per se, but its just gone to far ... in some instances.

Actually at the same place they used to put wet socks over the computer to dry as they thought it was a radiator.
...I was working "shifts" a couple of the guys were caught sound asleep on "nights" ...they got off because no one had told them they couldn't sleep at night.
The biggest issue with that is that humans are not nocturnal creatures. We are designed from an evolutionary point of view to sleep at night and wake during the day. Going against this increases health problems as well as mistakes and errors. It'd be far better to let people have a nap at night to improve productivity. In one job, I used to work night shifts every so often and it'd mess up my sleeping pattern for days afterwards.

Just on not providing warnings and indeed not doing anything health and safety wise. There was as far as I remember a case when someone had cleared the snow from outside of the entrance to their business premises, ice then formed and someone slipped and fell on the ice. The company was found liable as they'd done something whereas if they hadn't there would just have been snow which is weather, act of God etc. I'm sure not clearing the area outside of your company premises is also just a lawsuit waiting to happen too.
This is precisely the reason why the local GP surgery didn't clear the path. I was told that if they'd clear it and people fell, the practice could be held liable whereas doing nothing put liability on patients visiting. A bit unfair given some of the elderly who have trouble walking when it's a bright and warm summer's day.

Unfortunately it’s just the level of gullibility some people have, as soon as I saw the headline I thought it was nonsense and 30 seconds later I saw on Snopes that it was. I suppose it’s another reason why the red top tabloids are so popular in this country, so many people just believe everything they read without actually stopping to think about it first.
Yup I now check on snopes but if a story's a bit fishy, it's likely to be very fishy. Often sensationalism attracts readers.

Back to the original post, I think a general "this device is intended to be used as a telephone and mobile communication device. Use outside of this may result in harm or injury and must be avoided" type warning would suffice.
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