
Edit My Images
This was probably the first photo project I started, and it's still ongoing. Essentially it's a mish-mash of snaps of stuff that catches my eye, some carefully composed shots, some 'street' photography, and other rubbish (often literally!) which I started uploading to a blog ( in 2011.

The 'artist statement' goes like this:

Sometime in the late 1970s, when I got my first 'proper' camera, I started taking photographs around Southport and carried on until 1982 or thereabouts when I stopped due to being too skint to afford film. In January 2010 I started again - digitally. Having made a number of photographs by the end of the year I decided to throw some of them together on this website. Pictures on the Latest page will be added relatively frequently - although they may not always be recently taken Southport is a coastal resort town in the north west of England. Natives of Southport are known as 'Sandgrounders'. I was born in Southport at the fag end of the 1950s, acquired a 35mm film camera around 1976 and a 'decent' digital camera in 2010. That's about it.
I don't often go to town specifically to take photos, the vast majority of pictures are taken when I go to do some shopping and have an hour before the parking ticket expires. Sometimes I get nothing, other days I get a few pictures that 'fit'. I've had comments to the effect that it shows the bad side of Southport. Well, everywhere has a bad side - and it's usually more interesting than the good side! But there are a few nice sunsets and some amusing pictures. One thing is for certain. I've always preferred Southport in the off-season. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way while trudging slowly over wet sand. :D

Quite what the project is about I really don't know, but I do think that taken as a whole (some 600 pictures so far) it adds up to something.

Looking at my old pictures it seems that my choice of subject matter hasn't altered much in 40 years! But the old pictures have made me realise the historical/documentary value that almost all photographs acquire with the passage of time. And it's something I wish more amateurs would consider instead of chasing around after perfect sunrises or taking perfect portraits. But I admit I'm odd...



This was the first picture I uploaded.


And these are a few from today. I might, or might not, keep this thread updated, but I'll certainly welcome any thoughts about this load of nonsense!




I have a project like this... mine is aptly titled 'stuff' lol.... although mine doesn't go so far back, and mine is more rural than yours.
I think you should keep it going as it's interesting. I like the image titled 'snap'.

One thing that bugs me slightly is that you have titled your images, and I can't decide if they distract somewhat.... (or is it my guilt because I never thought to title mine...probably my laziness there).
I have a project like this... mine is aptly titled 'stuff' lol.... although mine doesn't go so far back, and mine is more rural than yours.
I think you should keep it going as it's interesting. I like the image titled 'snap'.

One thing that bugs me slightly is that you have titled your images, and I can't decide if they distract somewhat.... (or is it my guilt because I never thought to title mine...probably my laziness there).

Thanks Lee. There are probably lots of people doing something simialr, maybe without realising it.

I'll be keeping this going as long as I keep taking a camera to town. I also do something similar round my village (which I'd class as semi-rural), but that's all kept on my PC at the moment and is not so loose.

The 'titles' are a really a consequence of using Blogger as I don't title my pictures as a rule. I try to make the post titles to one word, and either whimsical or bland. Some pictures have been given identical 'titles' because they are of the same subject.
I'm enjoying these, more please!

I'm quite taken with the pigeons, the shadow telling me there's one in the air out of frame is rather good!

I used to have a Triumph Herald.
Thanks, Julian. The pigeon shadow was pure luck, but one reason I kept the shot.

I don't seem to get into town as frequently these days, but I keep putting pics on the blog. If anyone wants to see them all in one place, but not in order, they are here.


No need to apologise, Jenny. This is just something I do as a bit of fun. If I was taking it seriously I'm sure the pictures would be different.
This nonsense continues...:)

While down at the beach the other day I realised that something was missing, and had been for some time. It's strange how we don't always realise things have changed. Trawling back through my archive of photos of boring stuff I found a picture of it. This is one of the reasons I like to photograph things we take for granted. Because they have a habit of disappearing.



Although some things seem to hang around long after they should have gone.


While others get renovated.

There is a book you might enjoy (although they are only small photo books) ... It's called 'It is something It is nothing' HERE
There is a book you might enjoy (although they are only small photo books) ... It's called 'It is something It is nothing' HERE
I've been contemplating purchasing that. It's from the same stable as this book which I have.

However, having spent too much on photobooks already this year. It could be a case of 'one more wafer thin mint'! :D
I've been contemplating purchasing that. It's from the same stable as this book which I have.

However, having spent too much on photobooks already this year. It could be a case of 'one more wafer thin mint'! :D
That book was sold out when I went to get it.... and I too spend too much on photobooks...
Maybe we should do a temporary book swap (kinda a try before you buy type thing)
I've lived in Southport, Pretty much all my life (with a brief spell in Formby) And I don't recognise some of those shots....I need to get out more!

Lovely set though. I like the "before and after" one too. Wish I had some of funland and peterpan land before it became a Pizza Hut and a carpark.
Maybe we should do a temporary book swap (kinda a try before you buy type thing)
That might prove even more expensive! :LOL:

I'm trying to limit myself to books of British documentary photography thee days. Not entirely successfully. :rolleyes:

I have wondered if a photobook thread on TP might be a good idea. But it would probably end up in 'emperor's new clothes' territory.
That might prove even more expensive! :LOL:

I'm trying to limit myself to books of British documentary photography thee days. Not entirely successfully. :rolleyes:

I have wondered if a photobook thread on TP might be a good idea. But it would probably end up in 'emperor's new clothes' territory.
Haha yes would probably work out expensive, but your idea of a thread is a good one(and to be honest it would only appeal to those who already collect such books and to those who are thinking of starting, so it shouldn't go down that path)
I've lived in Southport, Pretty much all my life (with a brief spell in Formby) And I don't recognise some of those shots....I need to get out more!

Lovely set though. I like the "before and after" one too. Wish I had some of funland and peterpan land before it became a Pizza Hut and a carpark.

Ta. I wish I'd taken more pics back in the 70s/80s now. These are some I took back then.

Ta. I wish I'd taken more pics back in the 70s/80s now. These are some I took back then.


Wow.. Now that brought back some memories. I was only 8 at the eldest but it's amazing how much our town has changed but still stayed the same in so many other areas. That broken bollard on London street for example. Its probably been repaired 1000x but I still remember it as being broken.

And Peterpan land.....Spent many a summer week in there. Trying to avoid the sand covered dog muck...Good
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In 2012 I rephotographed some places in my old pics, and even in the five years since I did that some things have changed again.
There is a book you might enjoy (although they are only small photo books) ... It's called 'It is something It is nothing' HERE

It arrived today. :D

I like it.(y)

I braved the Easter Saturday crowds today trying to get started on a new project, but failing. So I shot some of my usual rubbish...




