Daily Sarah's 365 31st December 2013 - The End! (CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE ACTUALLY FINISHED!!)

Nice Yorkshire pics, the Abbey is stunning but the cobbled street stands out for me.
Some more great shots, I love coming here!
Wow Sarah some really gorgeous stunning photos i've missed... I know i see some on fb but just had a flickr fest with the fav button :D

Your still life flowers still amaze me but with the lovely weather it's good to see such a variation... super stuff(y)
Sorry not to have been around for a bit, love the sunset and I actually quite like the pink flowers in the jug - nice colourway that works really well for me.

The cathedral is beautifully exposed and the linseed is okay, really only works for me at a distance IYSWIM
Very nice Sarah - as I love perspective shots and stonework - but (for me) it works much better cropped down to start at the next "full" arch :)

Good shot Sarah. I like the repetition. (y)

I never knew you could go under there... might have to investigate one day. :)