Scotland's Referendum 2014!

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Hi Guys

You may know or not that Scotland is voting today to see whether the people wish to become an independent country or to stay part of the United Kingdom.

I knew there were rallies happening the last couple of days so I brought my camera along with me to take some images before meeting with some wedding clients.

I'm glad I did!

Although the images are mostly of the YES campaign the polls have it nearly 50/50

We will know the results by tomorrow...

Thanks for looking.

There are more on here if you fancy a look ---->



Scotlands Referendum 2014-003 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-007 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-009 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-011 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-014 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-017 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-021 by, on Flickr

Scotlands Referendum 2014-022 by, on Flickr
Thanks Minnnt
My wee XT1 really shone in this situation. Small and inconspicuous. The moveable led really came into its own.
All the votes are in so just waiting on the result... NERVOUS!

I think our hopes lay with different outcomes! Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it :^)
First pics shows it all.. including a greggs haha... loverly processing... good pics
Cheers Kipax. It was a great spectacle!
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Should be entitled 'Yes' referendum but mighty nice set.
I agree it appears very one sided but that was the situation. The handful of No supporters didn't make for very interesting images. Cheers!
I already have.

You sound very bitter and twisted.

Grow up.
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I agree it appears very one sided but that was the situation. The handful of No supporters didn't make for very interesting images. Cheers!

Fair enough ;)

I got a few snaps but no views - posted in 'photos for pleasure'
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Dinners, I had a look but I couldn't find the thread.

Northernbiff... Who else would that be directed at?!
Minnnt, the people have spoke. XT1 is a great wee camera. I'm not ready to use it for my paid gigs but it does the trick for personal work!

Paul, please do!
Why don't we just stop fighting before things get out of hand. It's a photography forum. Nice photos mate.
Thanks Scott. Touchy subject for sure. I shouldn't take bait but I do love a "debate" ;^)

Minnnt, kind words thank you. I missed some moments that if I had my Nikons to hand I feel I would have nailed. Thems the breaks...
Hee hee. Ok then fight away.

On a serious note i am Scottish and voted YES but not because i hate the English instead it was because i think that the Tories have a history of wrecking industry in Scotland and i honestly believe it's because they don't live here or deal with the fall out. The bedroom tax is an absolute disgrace and only people who will never be in a situation of poverty could implement this whilst giving tax breaks to the rich. The late in the day bribes of more power etc just confirmed to me that they were panicking and made me wonder why. If we're getting the best deal of all the UK i would imagine they wouldn't be too bothered about holding on to us but it seemed that they were getting deperate late last week and it just makes me think that the UK are getting a better deal from Scotland that Scotland are getting from the UK. The Financial Times ran an article which claimed that Scotland would be richer than the rest of the UK combined which made me sit up and take notice. Anyway the people have spoken so lets get on with it.
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I am just a normal everyday bloke.. I dont see how it would effect me either way.. probably wouldnt effect millions in england.. dont know why anyone here is bothered... if it wasnt for andy murray nobody would be interested in scotland haha
Andy Murry's not Scottish is he? Thats he right he's slipped down the rankings and finally came out in support of a YES vote the day of the polls the wee tool. The English won't be wanting him now !!! Only joking. I don't believe independence would have affected me in my lifetime too much. If it did and it was negatively i'd have just moved to England !!!!
I don't believe we would be as financially well off as many think but for me I personally don't think Westminster is well intentioned towards Scotland and I want Trident out my back yard.
It has nothing to do with the English people for me. The vast majority are "sound as a pound" as are most people on this planet of ours.

Take care guys and have a great weekend :^)
Kipax, I don't reckon you are a normal everyday bloke because if you were you would indeed be interested in other people.

Maybe that's whats wrong?

Remember its nice to be nice!

Happy Friday :^)

Kipax, I don't reckon you are a normal everyday bloke because if you were you would indeed be interested in other people.

Juts remind me again where I say/indicate/hint that i am not interested in other people?

Maybe that's whats wrong?

I didn't know there was anything wrong? what do you see as wrong?
Andy Murry's not Scottish is he? Thats he right he's slipped down the rankings and finally came out in support of a YES vote the day of the polls the wee tool. The English won't be wanting him now !!! Only joking. I don't believe independence would have affected me in my lifetime too much. If it did and it was negatively i'd have just moved to England !!!!

to be fair andy murray has never hidden his dislike for the english...
Good pics and you have caught the mood of the 'Yes' vote nicely.

I'm English and my daughter and family have lived in Scotland for 20+ years and I love Scotland and her friendly people but I totally 'get' the desire for independence among 45% of the people.

A fair proportion of us in England don't want Cameron and his crew either ! more devolution for Scotland is now coming and rightly so but if the tories get their way with only English MP's voting on English matters he will emasculate the UK Labour party (40 Labour MPs's in Scotland) and we may never get rid of the tories.

to be fair andy murray has never hidden his dislike for the english...
I don't follow tennis so i didn't know that. As i said i certainly don't dislike them at all unless you count their football commentators but most humans dislike those eejits. To be fair even they're realising that the English football team are also rans so they've watered it down recently to.
" KIPAX said:
to be fair andy murray has never hidden his dislike for the english... "

You are presumably referring to the one instance when Andy (talking football) was asked who he wanted to win and he replied 'tongue in cheek' anyone but England.

He, with humour put this remark in context later.

If you know of any other instance to back up your extravagant statement do please share ?
" KIPAX said:
to be fair andy murray has never hidden his dislike for the english... "

You are presumably referring to the one instance when Andy (talking football) was asked who he wanted to win and he replied 'tongue in cheek' anyone but England.

He, with humour put this remark in context later.

If you know of any other instance to back up your extravagant statement do please share ?

OP - really enjoyed the images. Thanks for posting. Can only imagine those people are feeling pretty low today. But heh, Scotland is still a terrific country with stunning scenery!

Re football, to be honest, every Scott I have ever met would prefer any team to win rather than England :) Bloody EnGliscch! ;)
" Re football, to be honest, every Scott I have ever met would prefer any team to win rather than England "

I know a couple of blokes called Scott who support England o_O