Selective Bride & Groom

Sorry but selective colour only works on a very small minority of photos and this isn't one of be totally honest I have a personal hatred of selective colour on people it just seems wrong...that said for me the biggest issue here is that the photo is dominated by the person throwing the confetti more than the people that should be the focus of the the lean on the photo means that the happy couple are leaning out of frame which isn't looks well exposed and the focus looks good on the subject but it would have been nice to see a much shallower DoF to isolate the couple from foreground and background distractions

Plus... why does the confetti magically change from mono to colour when it reaches the couple? Surely it should be colour across the whole frame?... or did that just seem like too much work? :)

Have to agree with the above. Selective colour is rarely effective, and just a bit amateurish. It can be good practice for masking skills in Photoshop though. However... this ain't working.
Sorry to add another negative but fully agree with Matthew & David's comments - I'm not so anti selective colour but not like this :(
for me, the selective colour is secondary. But it doesn't work. More importantly the photo itself looks like theres a lot wrong with it - you were stood in the wrong place and the dutch tilt is just wrong. You've then used the selective colour to try to prop up a bad photo. Which is why it doesn't work here or most other times its used. When it works it works well, but if its just a crutch it never does
I wish I could counter the negative comments from everyone else. But I can't. Just looks very wrong. It may have worked with the flowers in the black and white shot of the bride but she's not in the most flattering pose (mouth wide open, eyes tightly shut). Also, the picture of everyone in the registry office, what's the poor bloke done on the right to have half his face cut off? When you're talking a shot, such as that, spend a second to move your eye around the entire shot that you can see in the viewfinder to check composure, rather than staring at the centre of the frame where the main subject is.
I'm sorry to say I agree with the others , theres not very much to commend that photo at all - leaving the selective colour (which is a naff over used cliche - just don't) aside , the angle doesnt work , the brides pose doesnt work , having the bridesmaids face obscured by the older ladies arm doesnt work , and i'm hoping that the brides tan wasnt that orange in reality

The backgrounds a mess , theres no eye contact - why's the bloke in the whiteshirt looking at his shoes

I'm sorry but this is a delete at first cut photo - not one that merits further editing

(advice for the future - for the confetti shot get a low angle, make sure the main subjects head is in clear space , preferably get eye contact from the bride , and use fill flash so that you don't burn out the sky. Also if a shot sucks (and we all take them) don't try to "polish a turd" in PP - just bin it and move on to the next one)
In the next shot in the stream the blonde has a plant growing out of her head and the bloke appears to be formulating an evil plan for world dominantion

Please tell us you took these as a guest, not as the principal photographer
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Thanks for your feedback guys. Yes I took these photos purely for the experience, it's the first time I've done anything other than Aviation photography and obviously it shows!
Thanks for your feedback guys. Yes I took these photos purely for the experience, it's the first time I've done anything other than Aviation photography and obviously it shows!

If its any consolation, I looked at the set you posted on flickr, and the one with them walking through the raised pitchforks [oh the jokes you can only make from that] is a really fun shot that you have done quite well, so don't despair, people photography is not easy when all you have ever shot is aircraft (y)