Sensor cleaning disaster - UPDATE

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I'm on the edge of my seat reading through this thread. It's like a soap opera...

Will Janice get her sensor clean?
Will she get hold of Jonny's 5D?
If she does will she ever let go?


Good luck by the way ;)
I'm looking forward to when the thread title changes to

Sensor cleaning disaster (false alarm)


fingers crossed.
How come all of a sudden Smear Away is the " in thing" I just bought some "Eclipse" is this out of fashion now ??
Janice you have lots of options to choose from.............
I would still go for the low cut dress I mentioned........ I will be in Jessops in an hour..... try me :)

Oh and Gilly I aint nasty :crying:

If all else fails, you can borrow my " brand new 30D that doesn't and I mean doesn't need shotblasting... I mean cleaning :)
just pay the post and package also return it please :)
How come all of a sudden Smear Away is the " in thing" I just bought some "Eclipse" is this out of fashion now ??
Janice you have lots of options to choose from.............
I would still go for the low cut dress I mentioned........ I will be in Jessops in an hour..... try me :)

Oh and Gilly I aint nasty :crying:

If all else fails, you can borrow my " brand new 30D that doesn't and I mean doesn't need shotblasting... I mean cleaning :)
just pay the post and package also return it please :)

Smear Away is specifically for grease and oil and lubricates the pad more effectively (preventing damage) than fast evaporating Sensor Cleaner or Eclipse
This is flippin killing me man, a real nailbiter to see if it gets sorted, fingers, toes etc are all crossed for ya.
Just taken me 15 minutes to read this thread Janice.:eek:

Sorry to hear of your disaster with the sensor cleaning..:(

Everyone has had their comments (and good ones too) but there are two main factors to take on board here.

1: Its a wedding you are going to be doing, Someones special day... Cloning out scratch marks in every shot is not an option in my book..:nono:

2: Spending around £400 on a repair is a lot of money, My personal view is spending £30 or more is a waste of money trying to get it cleaned as the glass looks to be damaged IMO. (I really hope I am wrong)..;)

As you have read Janice, There are members here who have kindly offered their camera bodies for you to use if needed, Add me to the list, You can have mine to do the wedding if needed too.

Whatever happens I hope you make the right decision and things turn out well for you..:love:
Thank you.

If a final clean doesnt do it.......then I will have to make a decision.

Its nice of everyone to offer to lend me one for the wedding, but Im really going to need it sorted for my own photos regardless of the wedding.

I can either:
  • get it repaired for £415 which will mean selling a lens or maybe two.

  • get a 20d from ebay.......but they are going at about £375 so its only £30 or so cheaper than getting the 30d repaired....although then Id have the 30d as a backup (but be very annoyed I couldnt use it all the time

  • get a 350d from ebay and keep all my lenses and slowly work up to a 30d again.

If anyone can find out if the sensor filter is in fact replaceable on its own without the sensor as well, I would be very grateful.
Thank you.

If a final clean doesnt do it.......then I will have to make a decision.

I can either:

  • get a 350d from ebay and keep all my lenses and slowly work up to a 30d again.

If you go down that route Janice why not take up Tesco on their Canon 400D offer. £400 with £50 cash back with the rebate = £350.

A brand new 400D would get my vote if you were spending that on a replacement..:)
but seeing as how it would only be till i can get a 30d there any point getting a new one?
but seeing as how it would only be till i can get a 30d there any point getting a new one?

It would fetch more money when you come to sell it rather than a 3 year old 20D.:shrug:

Fingers crossed it doesnt come to that Janice. Hope you get sorted soon.:hug:
This is better than watching 24, hope the stuff arrives tomorrow and all be well, fingers crossed.
Ive just read this on a website:

Incidentally, I recently learned that someone had Canon repair a "damaged sensor" for $180. Note that as I said above, when you're cleaning the sensor you're actually cleaning an IR blocking filter which sits in front of the sensor, so it's the filter that can be "damaged", not the sensor itself. If you damage the filter, it can be replaced without replacing the (much more expensive) sensor. $180 isn't cheap, but it's a lot cheaper than the cost of actually replacing the sensor would be.

So how come a camera repair shop I phoned today said they had just got onto Canon and they were told it is all one unit and would need to be done in a "Clean Room" and a session in there and the replacement sensor would be £415.

Methinks something is wrong somewhere...but I cant seem to get to the bottom of whether I can just get the glass filter replaced.
I have actually emailed about 6 places and got no replies from any Im afraid.

But I might give the canon repair centre a call tomorrow just to make sure.

The guy in the repair shop mentioned about the canon 40d coming out soon...makes me wonder if he wanted me to scrap the 30d and by a 40d from him...therefore giving me a terribly inflated price for the repair :nono:
Get a quote from canon direct, sounds like this other place is trying to make a few extra quid!
I have actually emailed about 6 places and got no replies from any Im afraid.

But I might give the canon repair centre a call tomorrow just to make sure.

The guy in the repair shop mentioned about the canon 40d coming out soon...makes me wonder if he wanted me to scrap the 30d and by a 40d from him...therefore giving me a terribly inflated price for the repair :nono:

Give em chance :D they might have had a few cases of bank holiday boredom resulting in sensor destruction :D

My local camera shop hadn't heard anything conclusive from canon with regards to any other new releases today when I was in there playing with a 5d

oh.....the turmoil, do i go 5d or wait and see what the 40 brings :wacky:
merci. i go near the elstree one quite often, so I will give them a ring I think.
Ive just read this on a website:

Incidentally, I recently learned that someone had Canon repair a "damaged sensor" for $180. Note that as I said above, when you're cleaning the sensor you're actually cleaning an IR blocking filter which sits in front of the sensor, so it's the filter that can be "damaged", not the sensor itself. If you damage the filter, it can be replaced without replacing the (much more expensive) sensor. $180 isn't cheap, but it's a lot cheaper than the cost of actually replacing the sensor would be.

So how come a camera repair shop I phoned today said they had just got onto Canon and they were told it is all one unit and would need to be done in a "Clean Room" and a session in there and the replacement sensor would be £415.

Methinks something is wrong somewhere...but I cant seem to get to the bottom of whether I can just get the glass filter replaced.

Think this may explain what they had done, the glass can be replaced, by yourself or certain companies. Personally I wouldn't fancy trying it myself.

It maybe an option, if thew 40 is tempting you :D


Sorry been a long day I forgot the link doh! :bonk:

Hmmmm there's a tutorial (which I am not even going to think about!) and there is a choice for them to do it for you at $350!!

Ah ... just converted.....that's £180! I could go with that. (y)
Hmmmm there's a tutorial (which I am not even going to think about!)

Whyever not .... is it the "Desolder this that and wotnot", or the "peel off the gasket, but dont tear it.."

I dont consider that the F4.5 shot of the pink flowers on the previous page has enough dof for a wedding shot of guests do you?

Half the guests would be blurry..perhaps I will get them all p***ed and they wont notice! ;)

Janice in case you don't get it sorted, try taking a mug shot at f8. Do you see the scratch?

Then take a wider shot as if you were shooting a group at f8 do you see the scratch? I suspect no.

I can't rmember needing a smaller aperture than f8 at any recent weddings I've shot. including groups of about 100!! Wider angle helps.

I shoot wide open or close to wide open all the time at a wedding. Very different from a landscape shot where you need maximum dof.

17mm (on a 30D) at f5.6 and 4m to subject gives a dof from 1.61m to infinity! So you do not need to open up your lenses too much!

Don't panic about this. Obviously landscapes where you need huge dof will be hit harder.
I can't rmember needing a smaller aperture than f8 at any recent weddings I've shot. including groups of about 100!! Wider angle helps.

the wedding is in a castle and she wants a shot of her and the groom at the bottom of a huge staircase with all the guests up the stairs.....sounds like I could need pretty decent dof for that one!
Just been quoted £141 parts and £152 labour!!! :eek:

She (authorized canon repair centre in Colchester) said it comes as a whole unit (sensor included) come I keep getting people on the net saying you can get just the glass low-pass filter?
Keep shopping around Janice or just chuck it down the stairs. Did I say that out loud?
Have you challenged them with what you have read though Janice? The world is full of chancers!! IF you open the discussion with 'I need a new low pass filter for my 30d, not a complete sensor package' you may get a different response.

I'm not sure what other help is out there, but surely an independent repair chappie can get the parts and do a proper job........... all on the understaning this is actually required.......
I did ask, Jon yes...she said "It comes as a complete part".

I wonder if I could buy the filter glass part somewhere and take it to a camera man!
Its only a square bit of glass..surely they make them SOMEWHERE! :shrug:
Just stop it!

Clean it then see if you need to fret over it!
I think the filter is fitted in a dust free environment, the last thing you'd want is contamination under the filter glass. You'd never be able to clean it.

What did you use to clean it Janice?
Was it a retail sensor swab?
If so, you may be able to claim against the manufacturer.
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