Sharing some pics

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Love the set, 4, 5 and 7 stand out for me. I just wish my kids would pose for me.
Thank you hmm pose for me well i got told by my eldest i had 5 shots and that's it lol! Daniel would not look at me I took them to the bluebell woods today and the rape fields what a waste of time grrrrrr!! Ha-ha
Thank you hmm pose for me well i got told by my eldest i had 5 shots and that's it lol! Daniel would not look at me I took them to the bluebell woods today and the rape fields what a waste of time grrrrrr!! Ha-ha

My son is like that, he will see my camera and say "No photos today..." he is autistic mind
Thank you hmm pose for me well i got told by my eldest i had 5 shots and that's it lol! Daniel would not look at me I took them to the bluebell woods today and the rape fields what a waste of time grrrrrr!! Ha-ha

My son is like that Lol. Sadly he has just come down with chicken pox earlier in the week so no chance of getting out in this glorious weather we are having.

Lovely shots Sarah by the way.
Great Shots...the more i look at them the more i like them.

As some one has said already 'wish mine were half as good as that.'

One question: which lens you have used? thanks
Sarah they are great my fav's are the squirrals hunting ones well done you
#5 is my favourite but some eye contact would of made it a large canvas jobbie!(y)
Thanks everyone

Lens: Canon 24-70mm 2.8 USM L

Matt i so wish he did but there was noooooo way he was going to look at me lol! But i liked the composition of the photo so edited it anyway

I am just making some 'lens Lovies' to attach to my lens in an attempt to get him to look at me will be adding them to my BowtiesnFlutterbies Etsy shop in a bit

Always enjoy looking at your images Sarah;) They are always nice and clean...

Regards MD:wave: