Shepherd V Westie

No7 is hilarious great set
Pin sharp and good editing
Nine is the pick of the bunch for me.

7 and 8 I would have taken from a lower angle. I frequently end up soaked or muddy shooting dogs. You have to pay a price for your art.

This was taken kneeling in the waves.

shepard v westie no competition ........westie every time :LOL: did i mention i have a westie :D lovely shots my favourite of course is number 9 (y)
I think it's a lovely set.
Dog-wise, I am biased as I am the very soppy owner of an 11 year old GSD.
Thanks for the comments; the images are taken of my GSD Zara and my Westie Maisy.
Zara has been diagnoses with having arthritis of her knees and she slowed down a lot, not wanting to go out on walks... For me it was devastating as she is only 7.
However I have been giving her various herbs and supplements and these images show how well they are working... :)
She can still keep up with a 2 year old westie. :)
I love love LOVE #9! Its just such a cute shot :) Looks like the Westie just had the edge in those first shots ;)