Shooter560's 52 - Updated with Week 5

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1st attempt at a 52, scared ****less but full of hope, I know I can't fail 52 times so I know I can only get better.

Let the poor shots wither and the good ones grow
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Taking my life into my the relms of instant death, by my 2 teenage daughters I thought I'd try and capture their considered organisation in their bedroom

DSC_4953 by shooter560, on Flickr

Personal notes, better flash, diffusers, softer lighting maybe off camera flash control, also I'm guessing such a wide angle lens is causing the distortion.

C&C most welcome
I take it you either took it very quickly and ran or whilst they were out. Mine was in my 4y daughters room whilst she was distracted elsewhere in the house. Had she been there would have been lots of shouting going on!

As for the photo, as you say, playing with the lighting would give it an interesting effect. :)
Well as week 1 came and went and next to no comments (thanks for those that took the time, good or bad everyone needs to start somewhere), so....

Week 2
After a visit to The English School of Falconry, Beds, I thought I'd show my New adopted friend, Barney

DSC_5105 by shooter560, on Flickr
Week 1. As you the lighting could do with something different as it is rather flat.
Week 2. Nice and sharp on the eye.

I know it is dissapointing when you dont get many comments. I did not look at anyone elses 52 until I had completed my shot, which was only yesterday, as I didnt want to be swayed by other peoples ideas. Hence I am only looking to comment now.

By the way, if you can change the thread title to show you have posted your week 2 photo it will prevent people looking inadvertantly.
Hi Gary, a great pair of pics for weeks 1+2 (y)

I really like the week 1 pic. A nice touch of humour and I like the documentary style lighting. Tracy Emin eat your heart out:LOL:

I guess to perfect it you just need a teenager in a typical surly teenage pose.

Cheers, Patrick
Hi Gary,

Nice shot - the light is a bit flat, & I think I would have gone for a tighter crop to show the bird's detail a little more.
Oh and a +1 for the friend
Hi Gary,

Well done on the start of your 52. Apologies for not getting to leave feedback sooner, but I am trying to catch up and get to see everyone's 52's and some 365's if I can.

Week 1: I like your take on the theme. If that is what a teenage room looks like, I dread to think what my six year old son's room is going to look like when he is that age judging by the state his is in at the moment :LOL:

Week 2: Barney is gorgeous and I like the DOF and the way you have got the detail in the wings and the catchlight in the eyes.

Well done to a good start. Look forward to seeing your week 3.


Dawn :)
I go with the general consensus on week 1, can't really add any more.

Week 2 however is beautiful. Barney is a gorgeous wee chap. You have captured a really cracking pose, a good dof and the foliage behind gives a lovely background. As others have said maybe a tighter crop would have worked too but overall a lovely shot, I would be extremely pleased with it !
Many thanks for the comments, I totally agree that week 1 is flat and in need of something, in my defence this was the first time I'd done anything more than point and shoot, and only having the on camera flash I didn't know what I could do, this is something I know I need to work on and hopefully with everyones help with comments and suggestions I'll learn to do better.

Here is a tighter crop of Barney, I don't think its too tight, and yes he seemed to be a show off, almost knowing I'd signed and paid to adopt him :)

DSC_5105-version2 by shooter560, on Flickr
(y)Great shot there ,Barney is a superb model .Beautiful color & pose with the background just spot on

2 down,50 to go...
Hiya Gary,

I really like the cropped image of Barney, what a gorgeous looking bird.

The only thing now, would be to do a slight straighten on the image to bring the stand straight. Just watch though that with a straighten you don't clip the wing as it moves. Not sure what you used to crop it, but in some programmes you may have to undo the crop, staighten and then redo the crop.

It is a definite improvement of the image. (y)


Dawn :)
(y) Perfect! :)
Really like Barney - used to have a dog called that :)

Anyway, the cropped version is much better than the original the only thing I would try and change in PP is the sunlight hitting the grass below Barney looks too bright.

Dont know if it could be darkened and some detail brought out in any way...
Really like Barney - used to have a dog called that :)

Anyway, the cropped version is much better than the original the only thing I would try and change in PP is the sunlight hitting the grass below Barney looks too bright.

Dont know if it could be darkened and some detail brought out in any way...

Funny you should say about the grass at the bottom, I agree its too washed out however my very limited skills and knowledge with editing software means when I tried I failed big time :(

Anyone with pointers for sorting this please speak up
Week 2,the crop transforms the shot! Week 1, I think I see what you were getting at but I would have been tempted to get in closer and concentrate on detail.
Big thumbsup on the cropped shot of Barney. Looks much better that the originally posted image. Well done (y)
Love your week 2 photo of Barney especially the pose, It's funny how simple things we miss in our own photo's are easily picked up by others and can make such a difference.
Week 3, Style

Picked this as it was something both my wife and I thought was stylish when we bought it. I will admit I had to clone out the power cable and also some paint chips caused through many years of use, maybe cloning should also be a style, though I think I need a lot more practice at that.

C&C always welcome, good or bad (Bad as long as its backed with improvement suggestions)

DSC_5438 by shooter560, on Flickr
Week 2 - love the re-cropped re straightened image of Barney, and what a poser :LOL:

Week 3 - great subject, captures the theme really well, Lighting is a little harsh on the front, maybe if you were to brush a low opacity paintbrush over the light reflections in PS it would tone down the effect a little and take your eye away from it. Really like the light from the globe.

Hi Gary, week #1 is the pic for me so far! very simple, but I just really like the symmetry of it...yes, maybe the lighting could be a bit better, but thats something that will come in the future.

Great camera first dslr was a D40x and I loved it, great bit of kit :)
Hi Gary,

Good take on the theme for Style. The background complements the image well and like the light orb.

Well done.


Dawn :)
Playing catch-up due to manic 2 weeks at work, plus losing internet after changing suppliers :(

Anyway on to week 4, actually couldn't decide if I should use this for week 5 as it was HARD not to just eat away, but, we'll see what I can do tomorrow instead.

Box opened, picture taken and all now finished and enjoyed, C&C very welcome and also please give advice, I need to learn :)

DSC_5513 by shooter560, on Flickr
Hi Gary,
I like this a lot. Great composition , lovely clean uncluttered shot. Although the box is Open it was a nice addition having the Chocolate wrapper Open too. Good idea.
I am no expert by any means and couldn't have done better, but if I may make a minor criticism. It is a shame that you couldn't eliminate the shadows behind the box, but only because it breaks up the nice straight lines andsubtle contrast.
Great Work - nice one. I hope your work load eases up and your internet is stays up and running so that we see your next submissions soon.

Hiya Gary,

Well done for catching up, despite having a hectic fortnight.

Yummy, those chocies look scrummy and the photo is great too. Like the colours and composition. Agree with Martin about the shadow, how did you light the subject?

Look forward to seeing your next photos.


Dawn :)
Hi Gary good on ya for getting up to speed on the 52.

I like week 4. Some great colours. Excellent focus, exposure and DOF with some really good detail on the box and half-eaten choc. The shadow behind the box doesn't bother me much.

Generally a nice composition, but I might have been tempted to put the box at an angle. There's a lot of empty space at the bottom of the pic which can't be cropped without losing the sigle choc.

Really enjoying your 52 and looking forward to seeing week 5.
Looking good Gary.

Those chocolates look really delicious :)

well captured and processed (y)

Thanks for comments, I agree the back shadow is a pain, maybe I need to look into proper lighting rather than my current cycle lights and a couple of thin white paper bags, especially as I know I'll be doing more shots like this in the future.

Yes choc's are/were great, that 1/2 eaten one was strawberry (real ones not artificial) and the others are champagne, that was the last box as the reason I've been busy is I'm a chocolatier and needed to hand make 2000 boxes of 8 chocs for an overseas customer for Valentines :D (and yes I eat loads of choc every day :) )