Show us yer film shots then!

Anyone notice how clear the air was about a week ago......with the sunshine I was getting f8 @ 1/250 for superia 200asa near London, for appx Kodak grey (grey fence):-

Buckinghamshire golf club house:-

A stream runs under the middle of this house:-
First go with the Prescysol EF on one of two films I exposed for the purpose of testing their claims of being able to develop different speed films at the same time, this was from a roll of Tri-X and when I first opened the tank I was pretty underwhelmed to be honest, the negs were very thin on both films (the other was a roll of FP4+) with the frame numbers being quite faint. I had followed the instructions completely to the letter giving a pre-soak of 5 minutes along with a dev time of 10.5 minutes for partial stand development at 24 degrees C with continuos agitation of the first minute and then 10 seconds agaitation every 3 minutes thereafter.

My next films will be developed for 13 minutes with everything else staying the same.

In saying I was unhappy with the negatives I have to confess that they did actually scan quite well, and although the grain was more noticeable than I would have liked it was quite balanced across the film with no large clumps. The overall pictorial quality was not unpleasant.

So, another roll from my favourite spot at the moment (luckily it is on the way to one of my works) and was shot on the Mamiya C330f with the 180mm lenses. Different view with the afternoon light strathing across the fields (only previously shot here in the morning).

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I can see why you like that spot Ed, with the right light and sky that will be amazing. Have you got snow down there, there seems to be a good deal of separation in the tones between the fields in the foreground and the grass on the hill itself

Also, for Tri-X that doesn't look too bad for scanned grain, I've had much worse :puke:
I can see why you like that spot Ed, with the right light and sky that will be amazing. Have you got snow down there, there seems to be a good deal of separation in the tones between the fields in the foreground and the grass on the hill itself

Also, for Tri-X that doesn't look too bad for scanned grain, I've had much worse :puke:

What's this there snow you be on about? Nah, we only get some about every 10 years or so. Causes absolute havoc then.

The light on the stubble field is just where the lowish sun has broken through the clouds just out of shot on the RHS which would be SW of my shooting position.

Crown Graphic - 90mm - Provia 100

One from over christmas, haven't had chance to take much recently but might try and get down to the Gower over the weekend...
Some Polaroids from Monday's Film club at Arc Studios Preston.

A very brave man with his Bulldog 8x10 camera+300mm lens :)

The lovely model Carla has disappeared because the flash on my Polaroid 1200i triggered the slaved studio flash which was maxed out at F22 for the ISO 25 film in the Bulldog :eek:

Film cameras :D

and one LF Polaroid of the model (y)

by paulhuk, on Flickr

Couple i took with my bronica sq-b, portra 400 and scanned on the epson v750

thanks :) although its blue, ok a weird colour for this country :) but still

Its defo a 750.
I agree, stunning shots.

I couldn't wait any longer, I had to try out the Caffenol now that I have all the chemicals.

The weather down here has been very flat and bland with overcast skys and no shadows so I rolled a dozen shots of 35mm ISO400 Ultrafine and used my newest (to me) Pentax MX that I had recently replaced the light seals, and shot a few shots around the front room with a couple of different lenses lit by a bounced Olympus T32 flash on auto (f8).

Onto the processing, I went for Caffenol CH. The Soda Ash (27g) was great, went straight into solution at 20 degrees C (used 500ml of distilled water heated in my processor) then the Vitamin C (8g) then some Potassium Bromate (0.5g) and finally 20g of Tesco cheapy really rich coffee. All chems measured on a cute little digital jewellers scale that i got from ebay (had to have some digital input :LOL: )

the final temp of the mix was 21 degrees after i had let it all stand for a while after mixing the coffee in. By god that's a horrible smell, it reminded me a bit of vulcanised rubber mixed with something else. I processed the film for 14 mins, agitation was for 20 seconds continuous initially, followed by 3 agitations each minute, then 3 water baths to get rid of the dev, followed by 30 seconds of Alkali Stop followed by another water bath followed by an Alkali Fix with 5 minutes continuous agitation followed by a number of washes for a further 5 mins. The negs are drying as I type, but I have to say they look quite promising so far. That smell though :puke:
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I wouldn't drink that stuff if it was all I had. Gold Blend or nothing for me (I used to hope that Sharon Maughan would drop around).

I think I would have bigger problems with this stuff - I don't drink coffee at all and don't like the smell of it :coat:

is the process for C41 as well ? I think you mentioned colour print, but i'm too tired to read. it's easier to ask,type :D
I think I would have bigger problems with this stuff - I don't drink coffee at all and don't like the smell of it :coat:

is the process for C41 as well ? I think you mentioned colour print, but i'm too tired to read. it's easier to ask,type :D

Apparently it can do C41 but the resulting images will be mono.

You don't have to worry about the smell of Coffee, trust me, it smells nothing like that. It is a strange smell more like burnt vulcanised rubber but with something else, tar? it's horrible. Fortunately you only smell it when you initially make it, when you pour it into the dev tank, and when you pour it out of the tank at the end of the developing cycle.

The negs are dry now, and I have to say they look bloody good, great range of tones and nice even development.
You want to get a proper camera, that image is all blurry :p

and it's got one of them orbs like you can get with the Fuji X10

Its a new game- guess the bit in focus! ;) As for the orbs, I'm writing a strong letter to my MP, the Times and Kodak about the poor quality of their product! :p
Gimmick, undoubtedly.

Well the chain of "costcutter" shops might not appreciate it as it's a close copy with the wavy red line.

The shop before the repaint job from google map:-

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Crown Graphic / 90mm / Provia 100

6x17 crop off 5x4 as I didn't like the over-saturated top part of the sky.
That is beautiful Liam. top work.
