Show us yer film shots then!

^^^ Weird and really rather good.
Been shooting more 35mm lately, started a 20mm street portrait series, so eager was I to see what they were like cos 36 frames takes a gdamn age to shoot, I finished the roll off with 3 shots of Humber
Printed really well, no dodge burn, nothin, shame they didn't fit 10x8 properly but such is life under an enlarger :/

ood AGFA apx 100 in xtol, on 10x8 RC..




Great to see people doing some real printing. I'm desperate to get my darkroom set's currently in boxes scattered around the house!

I love this. What exactly did you do with the lens?


With regard to the set up, both the Pentax 67 200mm and 105mm lenses have a 67mm filter thread. So the 200mm lens is attached to the camera in the usual way and using a 67mm to 67mm male coupler ring the 105mm lens is reversed and the front is attached to the front of the 200mm lens. You end up with a make shift macro set up.
That's another cracker Mart.

I hope he isn't going to put that massive tool in Mrs Doyle's box.......:exit:

I thought it was just a crease in his trousers...
Thank you. Both are Provia 100f realistically it is the only current transparency option in 10x8 in theory Velvia 100 is available in Japan and possibly the states but I haven't seen any offered in the UK in a few years now.

Think the sheffield park shot was a 300mm Apo Symar the Maple was the Nikon 150SW
1st and last for me RJ, lovely shots. Particularly like the colours in the fourth shot, lush.

A few that I took for the "time" competition. My actual entry isn't here but is in the competition thread :)

RB67 with 127mm lens. Shot on the Provia 400X that I bought last week from skysh4rk

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Same shot but at f/3.8 whereas the above one was f/16

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Really annoyed that there is a thin red line through each shot! I tested the scanner out by flipping the film over and re-scanning, and the line swaps sides in the photo, so it looks like my scanner is going back to the shop at the weekend!

Really happy with these photos otherwise though, and it was great using slide film for the first time. Opening the envelope and looking at the film against a light really is magical

With regard to the set up, both the Pentax 67 200mm and 105mm lenses have a 67mm filter thread. So the 200mm lens is attached to the camera in the usual way and using a 67mm to 67mm male coupler ring the 105mm lens is reversed and the front is attached to the front of the 200mm lens. You end up with a make shift macro set up.

Brilliant! Everyday is a school day.
So im now declaring my love for rangefinder camera's my names dave and i have a problem...
i took a wander to my local charity shop and at last they found the collection of camera's they had. So at the bottom was a jem of a fed 4 got it for 5 quid and here are the test results. shot on poundland and used internal meter
location is porthcawl

random and porthcawl241
by Dave Clayton Photography, on Flickr

random and porthcawl248
by Dave Clayton Photography, on Flickr

random and porthcawl251
by Dave Clayton Photography, on Flickr

random and porthcawl250
by Dave Clayton Photography, on Flickr

random and porthcawl252
by Dave Clayton Photography, on Flickr
If you find you get on with rangefinders they can become addictive. So many out there, so good and so cheap.
Like all of those Andy, I love the first one in particular. I have been shooting a lot with my Bessa L of late, although a 'faux' Voigtlander I know!
Water and willow.
Acros devved with isofol 3
I think the meter is off on my OM1 every shot was at least two stops overexposed.
I'll replace the batteries and see if that helps.

Home dev by andybray77, on Flickr

Another from the same roll.

Home dev by andybray77, on Flickr
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^^^ I know, it was seeing that that reminded me of how good it was. No moolah at the moment in the camera fund but they are fairly common so I may replace it one day.
A few shots from Bath's Christmas market over the weekend. First time using Fuji Pro 400H, not sure what to make of it yet but I've got a few more rolls to shoot.

Bath Christmas Market
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Bath Christmas Market
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Chocolate version of a Nikon SLR (I'm sure someone will tell me what it is :p ), really wanted to buy it but it was a whopping £50... so my girlfriend bought me a tiny version for £4 which I can't bring myself to eat :D

Bath Christmas Market
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Bath Christmas Market
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Bath Christmas Market
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr
Chocolate version of a Nikon SLR (I'm sure someone will tell me what it is :p ), really wanted to buy it but it was a whopping £50... so my girlfriend bought me a tiny version for £4 which I can't bring myself to eat :D

Bath Christmas Market
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Looks like an FE to me :thinking:

I want one.........................................

to keep my film company in the fridge :D
Nice set of the old pottery buildings @Andysnap

Can you get inside those buildings ??........sort of place I'd want to explore!