Show us yer film shots then!

Good Friday @ Trafalgar Square, Leica M4 + TTartisans 28mm f/5.6, Tri-X and Acros 100. I was testing out how I'd get on 28 + External OVF. It's a really nice experience. The TT 28 is a fun little lens although I think I'd want something that isn't so characterful for daily use. The Voigtlander 28mm Ultron II looks perfect for that.




Hasselblad 503cx plus 80mm CF lens.
Kodak Portra 160.
Developed in my kitchen sink with Cinestill C41 powder kit.
Scanned using an Epson V850 pro, fluid mount, Kami scanning fluid and Mylar sheets.
Location being Southsea Seafront.

I think my negative conversions are getting better.

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Hasselblad 503cx plus 80mm CF lens.
Kodak Portra 160.
Developed in my kitchen sink with Cinestill C41 powder kit.
Scanned using an Epson V850 pro, fluid mount, Kami scanning fluid and Mylar sheets.
Location being Southsea Seafront.

The 645n will soon be on its way. Just wanted to put a roll through it to make sure it all still works...

This on HP5 at 400, w/75mm f/2.8 at 2.8. Dev in DD-X. Mrs H had just had her hair done and wanted evidence. Not sure B&W was what she was expecting but hey ho.

The 645n will soon be on its way. Just wanted to put a roll through it to make sure it all still works...

This on HP5 at 400, w/75mm f/2.8 at 2.8. Dev in DD-X. Mrs H had just had her hair done and wanted evidence. Not sure B&W was what she was expecting but hey ho.

View attachment 386541
Dag nabbitt, I wish I could get that tonality from B&W films.
I love window portraits.
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Ross on Wye.

Couldn't resist these few, taken at the church. The colours and the light were gorgeous.




Fujica STX-1 with Fuji XTra 400. Better get that film while you can, if rumours are to be believed.
That's a really lovely shot Kevin, and I was wondering if you could show the details used to produce it?

Peter, thanks for your comment. A white studio backdrop was draped over a chair and onto the floor so that the jug would rest on the backdrop and also be in front of the backdrop. The lighting came from two windows, to the front and side of the subject. When shooting with film, I usually find that I don't get the backdrop as light as I would like, but in this case the limited dynamic range of the paper negative (made by Efke long ago) acted as my friend by burning out the textural details in the material.

The camera was positioned at 45 degrees pointing down to the subject, with the lens tilted backwards to maintain focus on the jug. Aperture was f32 and, with the paper needing EI 6, the exposure was 60 seconds.

The paper negative was developed in trays for about 75 seconds in half-strength Ilford Multigrade paper developer, then stopped and fixed. It was scanned on an Epson v700. Finally I added toning in Lightroom.

I'm planning to try a contact print and possibly an enlargement soon.
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Peter, thanks for your comment. A white studio backdrop was draped over a chair and onto the floor so that the jug would rest on the backdrop and also be in front of the backdrop. The lighting came from two windows, to the front and side of the subject. When shooting with film, I usually find that I don't get the backdrop as light as I would like, but in this case the limited dynamic range of the paper negative (made by Efke long ago) acted as my friend by burning out the textural details in the material.

The camera was positioned at 45 degrees pointing down to the subject, with the lens tilted backwards to maintain focus on the jug. Aperture was f32 and, with the paper needing EI 6, the exposure was 60 seconds.

The paper negative was developed in trays for about 75 seconds in half-strength Ilford Multigrade paper developer, then stopped and fixed. It was scanned on an Epson v700. Finally I added toning in Lightroom.

I'm planning to try a contact print and possibly an enlargement soon.
Thanks for all of that Kevin, it's really useful in understanding the time, effort and planning involved to get a great result. (note to self: must try harder!)

I really can't get the hang of a correct wind on for the Sprocket Rocket but I do like the images it produces.. Especially panoramic ones done vertically as phone wallpapers.. Sadly, this didn't qualify and it's soft as a sponge, but I really quite like it.

Tri-X at 800 in DD-X for 9 minutes. Should have been 8 but wasn't because I chucked some Delta 3200 in the pot at 1600 which needed 10 minutes so I split the difference because I'm lazy I wanted to protect the environment by just having 1 chemical dump & one wash.