Show us yer film shots then!

^ Nice interesting sharp shots.

My little grand-daughter fascinated by this dancer.

Seeing where your focus is, she is not the only one who was fascinated :naughty:
Javier, excellent series of shots, especially the first one, wow.

Brian, another winner there, and the shots good too.....:LOL:

Despite there being a new section, I'll continue to post in this amazing thread until it dies.

Anyway, here are 2 from HuangShan (yellow mountain) in Anhui Province, China.



Film is Kodak Portra 400vc, tamron 19-35mm lens with a cokin style cheap chinese ND grad.
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That first shot of the yellow mountain would look great in a large print.
Got to agree with Liam and Brian, that mountain pass shot is amazing.
Picked up my latest roll from the developers..

The afternoon swan feed at Welney.
Well I got my scanner
[/url] scaned-1 by Marvin d martian100, on Flickr[/IMG]

Now just got to learn to use it properly and the camera:D

^^^***Paul,especially this one,nice.***

+1 and I like the 3D effect as well
Well today was one of those days. I had decided I was going to shoot film today and so I loaded up my SP2 put on a super tak 55f/2.0, loaded it with Ilford delta 400 and left for Venice. Normally I am pretty happy to have a few good shots, usually 1/2 the roll, but today, Nothing....I think more than anything, it was the lens. It was too long for what I am used to, hence there is nothing personal about this roll. No life.
Having said that, these where the only two I sort of liked.

All taken in cornwall

a good few years ago with tri-x rated at 1250asa

using a long gone and much loved olympus OM1 with 50mmf1,8

sorry there so small:cool:
nothing special - but my first roll of colour film in years

bought a Nikon F3 some months ago
and finally some lenses - so added a roll of 'cough' Boots colour film, and went for a walk
dev and scan to CD at Boots ..£9 - not cheap - may as well use pro-Lab like Club 35

quite pleased - F3 with Nikkor pre-Ai 28mm, so had to use Exposure meter - Weston Master V - took me back 50years..:D

first try with Photobucket
****F3 with Nikkor pre-Ai 28mm, so had to use Exposure meter - Weston Master V***

Huh...erm with the problem of using M42 lenses as well....a Nikon is limited compared to my Canons and Minotas. ;)
'limited' ...:shrug:..... depends what one needs
mainly a Nikon D5000 if I'm out doing "serious stuff"

. but the F3 is 'pleasurable' to use
I could buy a Nikkor Ai-S which would meter - prefer to use the Weston
nowt wrong with the image I would think...:thinking:

also have a Canon A-1 with 6 FDn lenses, so certainly not biased...:D
Our phone line was down for several days - a nightmare!

Anyway, hi to you all. Here is a picture of a guy taking a picture (wearing shorts - ahhh) :)

Nikon F3 - 35mm F2 - Fuji 400CN - Genie



Untitled by Liam™™, on Flickr

I am starting to get some withdrawal symptoms from not using my crown graphic, but I do have over 100 sheets in the freezer including some portra so bring on the christmas holidays!
another from the walk with the Nikon F3

is film able to capture a wider range of tones than DSLR as the dark leaves and lighter grass both seem to be ok...?
Negative film (colour and B&W) certainly has a wider dynamic range, there is much less in slides but I think there's still more there than DSLRs can handle, especially when shooting jpg.
Negative film (colour and B&W) certainly has a wider dynamic range, there is much less in slides but I think there's still more there than DSLRs can handle, especially when shooting jpg.

thanks.....hope to get my Canon A-1 back soon [away for TLC] so may indeed try some more colour film
They're only £1500 or so, not exactly something you need to sell a kidney for :shrug: About the price of a couple of decent modern lenses.
compare that to a 100 for a film camera ! :p .

yes, a fullframe canon mkII 5d with video and everything is acctually a bargain for about 1500, but still.
I know, I know - 1500 does buy you a couple of EOS-1v's and enough left over for a BIG bag of film :)

My point is, it's still far more affordable than my last couple of hobbies (Mountain Bikes and fast motorbikes... still not exactly Champagne, Charlie and Hookers!)
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Never said I'd sell one of my OWN kidneys now did I...

Plenty of oxygen thieves around here that wouldn't be missed ;)
Even the FF like the 5dII (I have one) haven't got anywhere near the range and 'MP' of 35mm film. Then when you talk MF or LF film ... well !:LOL:
do you mean TP ? :cautious: :LOL:

You're in west yorkshire too, mate - you should know what it's like - I live half way between the Rhubarb Triangle and the Liquorice Fields - and it always amazes me, with all those purgatives available, just how full of **** most of the people here are :LOL:
Well I was impressed with N. Yorkshire (E of York), is that where the better class of people live ;)
You're in west yorkshire too, mate - you should know what it's like - I live half way between the Rhubarb Triangle and the Liquorice Fields - and it always amazes me, with all those purgatives available, just how full of **** most of the people here are :LOL:

to be honest, have nothing to compare with at the moment.

but yes indeed - human race is a weird creature ! :LOL: