Show us yer film shots then!

I need to get a 'Blad. I hope the wife doesn't read this.....

I need to get a 'Blad. I hope the wife doesn't read this.....


I have two MF cameras. And the thing I like about the Hasseblad is the hot-swapping backs and with the CF T*/CFi lenses most of those lenses take the same filter size which when shooting BW and colored filters like I do that is a plus. One camera I admire and love to have is the Mamiya 7II. It is a rangefinder with some lenses that are incredible sharp.
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snip............ with the most notorious being the Haystack rock at Cannon Beach, Oregon. Here is a shot at Cannon Beach of a rock next to Haystack rock.
Sunset, Cannon Beach, Oregon

thanks for that...I emigrated to, and married in, Vancouver BC

in the last years of my fathers life before cancer won, we took my parents from the UK on a trip down the Oregon coast

They loved it completely, and Dad bought a large water-colour painting of Haystack Rock

guess my photo skills sucked.....:LOL::LOL:

Wind Farm

Pentax 6x7, SMC 165mm f2.8, NDX8 + Pentax R60 (R2) Red Filters, 100 Acros, PMK Pyro, 1 Second Exposure

few shots i took in NY this summer. a few have been affected by the xray machines at the airport though.

taken with an om10/28mm, fuji 400 film.



Superb stuff Alan. You seem to get something out of Acros that I never do. You obviously know your stuff, I look forward to seeing more of your stuff on TP and picking your brain from time to time.
Superb stuff Alan. You seem to get something out of Acros that I never do. You obviously know your stuff, I look forward to seeing more of your stuff on TP and picking your brain from time to time.

Sure. I only use a few films and a couple of developers. I really didn't have to learn anything with Acros. I found a time off the net for PMK and it worked. It seems to be a good general purpose film for me so far.
Alan, Do you mind me asking if you use Orange or Red Filters all the time? or does it depend on the situation? im looking to buy a few but unsure which ones.
Alan, Do you mind me asking if you use Orange or Red Filters all the time? or does it depend on the situation? im looking to buy a few but unsure which ones.

My preferred choice is no filter at all but I'll use a yellow, orange, green and red when I want to manipulate a color in the scene. So it all depends on the scene. I use yellow and orange the most. And I would say if I could only have two colored filters, those would be it.

There is a price to pay for filters like orange and red. They slow your film speed down 2 to 3 stops and often deepen your shadows if that is a consideration. Another case I use colored filters outside of landscapes is when I want to separate some colors that would otherwise render as a similar tone in BW.
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Another case I use colored filters outside of landscapes is when I want to separate some colors that would otherwise render as a similar tone in BW.

An orange filter for example can be useful in portraits for "toning down" freckles :LOL:
Excellent Chris, like it. I have a Yashica TL Electro but it needs new light seals and I havent got round to fixing it yet. Note to self - must try harder.

Nice work Liam.

Excellent Chris, like it. I have a Yashica TL Electro but it needs new light seals and I havent got round to fixing it yet. Note to self - must try harder.


I got a great set off a guy on Ebay in the States, only took a couple of days to come, perfect fit and scraper tools etc included as well as good instructions.
I got a great set off a guy on Ebay in the States, only took a couple of days to come, perfect fit and scraper tools etc included as well as good instructions.

was that from Interslice..?
Thats the fella I was looking at, very reasonable and it looks a fairly straightforward job even for a clod like me.

I've used interslice several times. Even if he doesn't have your camera seals on ebay he'll probably have them anyway so a quick message through ebay and they're on their way to you. Very helpful bloke.

Love the bike on the promenade shot Liam. Very simple and effective. I looked at it and thought "I like that". Then I thought about what a judge would say in a club competition and it reminded me why I rarely bother to enter them.
was that from Interslice..?

Thats the fella I was looking at, very reasonable and it looks a fairly straightforward job even for a clod like me.


I've used interslice several times. Even if he doesn't have your camera seals on ebay he'll probably have them anyway so a quick message through ebay and they're on their way to you. Very helpful bloke.

Yes it was interslice, he'd never done a set for my TLR (it's a 635 so based on a 124g) he sent me a set with the promise to either refund me or sort out the right bits if it didn't fit, the kit fits great and the instructions are super comprehensive and model specific, the little bamboo tool works a treat too, as has already been said he is super helpful, I can't recommend him highly enough.
Yes it was interslice, ...............the kit fits great and the instructions are super comprehensive and model specific, the little bamboo tool works a treat too, as has already been said he is super helpful, I can't recommend him highly enough.

thanks -- just ordered 2 sets for my 2 Nikon EM
Konstantin, that is beautiful.

My first long exposure shot with the beast*..

palm paper by SaltGeorge, on Flickr

*Mamiya RB67 Pro S
Very very very nice long exposure, never exposed ektar longer than about a second so i may give some long exposures a go with it. The colours are stunning!
Very very very nice long exposure, never exposed ektar longer than about a second so i may give some long exposures a go with it. The colours are stunning!

Thanks Sean, it came out pretty close to the digital test exposure with identical settings. I'd seen some Ektar long exposures on Flickr so I thought it worth a try.
Nice shot......I'll have to take my beast out more, it was used mainly indoors most of it's life and I never took a landscape shot until recently.
I was about to ask if you did any compensation, its reciprocity is quite good then.
I did another shot at c.60 seconds, so an extra stop.. despite some scanning artifacts I'm struggling won that exposure ith I can see that the c.30 second exposure is far closer to the mark. I'll try some more at locations I've visited previously with digital and see how it goes.
My first long exposure shot with the beast*..
palm paper by SaltGeorge, on Flickr

*Mamiya RB67 Pro S

That's really nice. I like doing long exposures too. When I gave Ektar 100 a try, I found some reciprocity correction values posted in this thread by a guy who did a test if you haven't seen it already. He noted the cyan color shift too. I didn't see any correction data in Kodak's data sheet which seems odd since they are usually so comprehensive.
These were taken pre-2006 so pre-GCSE photography.

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AlanSmitheel, what a wonderful photograph, both the composition and tones are spot on. May I ask what software you use to scan your negatives?
very nice!


AlanSmitheel, what a wonderful photograph, both the composition and tones are spot on. May I ask what software you use to scan your negatives?

Why thank you. I use VueScan. But if you were to see the raw scan, you'd think it was flat and dull. I turn off all augmentation in the scanner software and adjust it to bring in all the tone range it can. It is in the post processing with a image editor where dust is cleaned, tones are adjusted and the image is sharpen.