Show us yer film shots then!

Let's get Britain moving ...

Kodak Color Plus 200 through the Canonet - Jessops process & scan

Following on from my River walk thread, as the Kodak Max 400asa I used was so out of date there were obvious faults, so I tried some B&W conversion.
What do you think? Do they work.




Hope you like.
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Here's a few more from me and my Nikon F301 (cost £10) a Sigma 70-210mm (cost £4.99) and a 24 exposure roll of Fujicolour C200 (cost £2.97), developed at Asda (cost£5.00). The weak link in the chain (apart from me) is my scanner. The prints are much sharper and more colourful than the scans.....







Thanks for looking and hints would be appreciated as I'm new to this old tech....


Following on from my River walk thread, as the Kodak Max 400asa I used was so out of date there were obvious faults, so I tried some B&W conversion.
What do you think? Do they work.

They are too noisy for 400 speed film, here's my stab..
The negs are under exposed, either because the film has degraded through age or there is some cock-up at camera level.
The scans are under so an attempt has been made using either scanner software or potatoeshop to correct exposure, but that has introduced noise (since this is now a digital file) to the image.
On top of that, USM is really sharpening all that noise up and masking the detail in the original frame.
I want to remove the USM and bring the levels down a bit see if the blacks will go noise free, and try use some contrast....:)

I might be wrong about the neg exposure, maybe just the scans are ott..?
Following on from my River walk thread, as the Kodak Max 400asa I used was so out of date there were obvious faults, so I tried some B&W conversion.
What do you think? Do they work.

Hope you like.

After looking at the colour versions, and your B&W conversion - I have to agree with Joxby - the original colour jobs look like the scanner was really working hard, and adding some noise in the process. I had a little tweak at one of them, from the colour file you posted... Boosted contrast by copying the image, and multiplying. Then ran a noise filter off to kill some of the scanner noise and USM artifacts, and gave it a quick BnW conversion...

Wasn't worth doing much more (dodging/burning etc), as there were too many artifacts around the rigging etc, but might give you some idea what could come out from the shot...
Thank you for all your efforts and comments on the B&W conversions, I really do appreciate that and will take on board what you have said and try to eradicate the errors when I try again. Many thanks.(y)
Here's a few more from me and my Nikon F301 (cost £10) a Sigma 70-210mm (cost £4.99) and a 24 exposure roll of Fujicolour C200 (cost £2.97), developed at Asda (cost£5.00). The weak link in the chain (apart from me) is my scanner. The prints are much sharper and more colourful than the scans.....



What a surreal image. WELL DONE(y)
Thanks Javier. I love your street stuff the above set has a sixties look, very gritty and real. Top stuff.

***Thanks for looking and hints would be appreciated as I'm new to this old tech...***

You are nearly there with your shots, it's just the colours look about 1960's...try Tesco dev and scan to CD for £1.98 that would bi-pass your scanner, and although I enhance my shots in Photoshop the Tesco scans are very good on their own but, some times hairy and spotty .

OODate Superia 200 film@35p, Viv 28mm f2.8 close focus@£6, Tesco D&Scan@£1.98:-

Nikon L35ad from a boot sale £1, fuji superia 200asa, Tesco D&S, sightly adjusted in Photoshop
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Thanks Excalibur I'll give a try. I had my first lot at As.da put onto disc but the resolution was so low (about 200mb)as to be nearly useless, are Tesco's a better resolution?


Thanks Excalibur I'll give a try. I had my first lot at As.da put onto disc but the resolution was so low (about 200mb)as to be nearly useless, are Tesco's a better resolution?



Tesco resolution is low as well, it's about 1.7mb jpg file, erm what's that equal to...a 4mp digital camera, but they auto sharpen as well, but posting these shots onto a computer screen it's good enough and ok on a A4 print if you don't have a program like Photoshop to improve them.

Here is an untouched pic straight from the Tesco CD, now it's needs a bit more sharpening because the shot was taken with a Vivitar 55mm macro and I know that's a sharp lens.
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Thats not bad at all much better than the As.da one, I shall give them a go. Cheers mate

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#1 rather nice actually (desktopped!), #2 a bit pink and focus hurts to look at? #3 too architectural for me but I can see where you are going vis. estate agents.
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#1 rather nice actually, #2 a bit pink and focus hurts to look at? #3 too architectural for me but I can see where you are going vis. estate agents.

Well I agree with you for #2 and would normally delete it off my HD...but it was soooo pretty...erm well do you like horses as I've substituted it.
Naa, too Barbie mate :D
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An image from 1978 taken on an OM1. I photographed the streets and people I grew up with. The houses (and many of the people) no longer exist.

One from the late 80s. The sepia colour is because I hadn't got used to the scanner and was scanning in colour. I'll re-do them when i get time.

An image from 1978 taken on an OM1. I photographed the streets and people I grew up with. The houses (and many of the people) no longer exist.


Well done, I do that as well when I think of it...........a guy on another forum used to search for old photos then take a modern shot from the same position, a "now and then" theme. Mind you I was doing this for WWI photos in France about 20 years ago and I got the idea from a book published about 50 years ago.
Well done, I do that as well when I think of it...........a guy on another forum used to search for old photos then take a modern shot from the same position, a "now and then" theme. Mind you I was doing this for WWI photos in France about 20 years ago and I got the idea from a book published about 50 years ago.

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I took this photograph in '78. Although your idea for a 'now' shot is a good idea, I think it would be the garden of new houses.
An image from 1978 taken on an OM1. I photographed the streets and people I grew up with. The houses (and many of the people) no longer exist.

I love old photos, that one's just great, you should re-scan.
I bought a small catalogue of John Bulmers stuff from the NCM when I was there last week, on the strength of his 60's/70's street images, most of which probably don't exist, the lifestyle certainly doesn't.
Lovely shots, I've just had 5 rolls of this arrive today and was concerned it may be too vibrant, but those colours look great.

Thanks! Yeah it's a nice film; higher contrast but not too saturated. Last one (more intimate)

I love old photos, that one's just great, you should re-scan.
I bought a small catalogue of John Bulmers stuff from the NCM when I was there last week, on the strength of his 60's/70's street images, most of which probably don't exist, the lifestyle certainly doesn't.

Excellent photos but depressing, as it gave the impression that the North was a complete dump.
Well, its how the other half lived, peeps were poor comparatively there's no getting away from it.
I think its a fablious social documentary in colour, at a time when there wasn't much colour.

Reminds me of me of my dads stuff..

God we wuz poor...:LOL:


Anyway, I got my first roll of kodachromes back today, I just scanned them and this is the only one I can be arsed to clean up tonight.
I'm amazed that 35 out of 36 are perfectly exposed, shot with a 30 year old FM2 who's head I bashed in before shooting this roll.

Not strictly mine :)D), but I gave my daughter a quick lesson on the basics of adjusting a manual camera, loaded up a Pentax MX with HP5, and sent her on her way. Two weeks later I got the film back with some outstanding results. In addition to outstanding photos, there's apparently 'retro chic' going on where it's cool to carry round a film SLR on a neckstrap? :naughty:

Some images from another convert.....!!


Not strictly mine :)D), but I gave my daughter a quick lesson on the basics of adjusting a manual camera, loaded up a Pentax MX with HP5, and sent her on her way. Two weeks later I got the film back with some outstanding results. In addition to outstanding photos, there's apparently 'retro chic' going on where it's cool to carry round a film SLR on a neckstrap? :naughty:

Some images from another convert.....!!


This image
Well done(y)
:agree: So retro and oozes with awesomeness. (nice to see the converse too, probably what makes it feel retro, probably the film too! :p