Show us yer film shots then!

@simon ess Well done Simon, just need to bring the Ikonta into shot a bit more.
Or should you choose to have just one of your toys in the frame with you ?
I guess it depends which says more about you.
Thanks Trevor.

I definitely should have brought the Ikonta further into frame.

I'm kicking myself about that.
Rather than clogging up this thread with my naff photos of Paris, I made a thread in the Landscape: Architecture and Urban section if anyone wants to see :)

Far be it from me to tell you where to put your shots, but the Film section might appreciate the action . . . ;-)
A couple from from Paris

Rather than clogging up this thread with my naff photos of Paris, I made a thread in the Landscape: Architecture and Urban section if anyone wants to see :)

Really glad you got something nice out of the Paris trip, Carl. That first one is delicious, lovely use of depth of field (specially given that huge "sensor"!). It's a little hard to see it all on my Mac screen, but I really like it. Second one... love the sky and the distant towers... the foreground I'm not quite so sure of.

As Keith says, what's with the "architecture and urban" whatever? Those are film shots!
Well here's a far from brilliant shot at the top of Cruach Ardrain... just to prove I dragged 2.7kg of Mamiya up 1000m vertically to take the photo :)

The scan seems to have done some weird things, although the C41 processing (Snappy Snaps in Bishopsgate) was dreadful: dust everywhere and they just rolled up the film and stuck a rubber band around it! :eek: Very very curly too... Not sure what's causing the banding: maybe the X5 needs calibrating as it's complaining each time I switch it on!

Best news of all though, I've just finished developing my first two rolls of B&W film! HP5 in ID-11 at 1+1 for 13min. Getting the films onto the spools wasn't as bad as I feared but the Paterson tank I was given had a tiny split down the side which meant 20% of my neg have a black light leak bar down them :mad::mad: Never mind, they weren't great shots anyway. Negs are hanging in the locker overnight so the second day of my course tomorrow will involve contact sheet printing and enlarging a few frames onto paper. Really quite exciting!

Anyway, back to the film shot...

Cruach Ardrain
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr

Shot on Kodak Portra 400 at about f/16 and probably 1/125... white balance is pretty screwy and composition could be better. Haven't a clue what's caused the blue banding!
That's not bad, and good on you for dragging that up a hill! Banding is probably just JPEG compression.
Well done Paul !....:clap:

You're commentary is a very familiar sounding for the early stages of buggering about with film, it does get better the more you shoot and process :)
They look good to me Andy.

Are these scans from the negatives or the prints?

I'm only getting started with developing but plan to have a go at printing one day. I've also got a lot to learn but having a lot of fun doing so :)
Hi Ian

Scanned from the negatives mate.

I suppose i've got a lot to learn about scanning as well..
OK here goes.
Had my 3 hour darkroom induction this morning at the Photo Parlour in Derby. What a fantastic morning developed my own film and made two prints :D

These 3 are with my Bronica ETRsi using Ilford HP5 and scanned on my Epsom V550.

Be gentle with me i've a hell of a lot to learn

View attachment 29313
View attachment 29314
View attachment 29315

Thanks for looking.

Well, you seem to have learned quickly, these are excellent. The middle one is stunning.

Andy, these are really cracking, you clearly have an aptitude for film. I also agree with Andy, the middle one is a stunner. Looking forward to seeing some more of your work
OK here goes.
Had my 3 hour darkroom induction this morning at the Photo Parlour in Derby. What a fantastic morning developed my own film and made two prints :D

These 3 are with my Bronica ETRsi using Ilford HP5 and scanned on my Epsom V550.

Be gentle with me i've a hell of a lot to learn

Thanks for looking.

A very nice set
OK here goes.
Had my 3 hour darkroom induction this morning at the Photo Parlour in Derby. What a fantastic morning developed my own film and made two prints :D

These 3 are with my Bronica ETRsi using Ilford HP5 and scanned on my Epsom V550.

Be gentle with me i've a hell of a lot to learn

View attachment 29313
View attachment 29314
View attachment 29315

Thanks for looking.

Well done mate!
Now you have the bug, I look forward to seeing more pictures soon.
Far be it from me to tell you where to put your shots, but the Film section might appreciate the action . . . ;-)

Really glad you got something nice out of the Paris trip, Carl. That first one is delicious, lovely use of depth of field (specially given that huge "sensor"!). It's a little hard to see it all on my Mac screen, but I really like it. Second one... love the sky and the distant towers... the foreground I'm not quite so sure of.

As Keith says, what's with the "architecture and urban" whatever? Those are film shots!

Haha, I put them in the other section because I thought that more people would see them. Not sure that many digi-boys venture into the wonderfully weird section which is F&C (reminds me of the scene on Gremlins where he goes into that Chinese guys store and sees loads of weird old stuff). I'll post them in here as well then :) (hopefully it's not against the rules to post them twice, if it is I'll take them down :) )

A statue outside of the Louvre museum
Ilford HP5+

A row of lamposts outside the Louvre
Ilford HP5+

The famous pyramids of the Louvre
Ilford HP5+

A metro stop
Ilford HP5+

Under the Arc De Triomphe at night
Ilford HP5+ pushed +2 stops

The Moulin Rouge
Fuji Provia 400X pushed +2 stops

Another one of the Moulin Rouge. The colours are as they came out from the scanner, with no change to saturation; Provia is a wonderful film!
Fuji Provia 400X pushed +2 stops

Candles inside the Notre Dame cathedral
Fuji Provia 400X pushed +2 stops

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A bicycle. I had a thing for shooting bikes for some reason!
Fuji Provia 400X

Paris Bikes.
Kodak Portra 400

A water fountain near to the Eiffel Tower
Kodak Porta 400

Like I said... Touristy shots!
Kodak Portra 400

A scooter
Kodak Portra 400

The Military School
Kodak Portra 400

Lights outside the Notre Dame
Kodak Portra 400

The view from the second level of the Eiffel Tower. Wasn't able to go to the top as it was closed for maintenance.
Ilford HP5+

Someone here pointed me in the direction of Shanghai GP3 a few months ago. I did buy a pack of ten, but only recently had the time and light to try out a test roll in the Bronica. I bought mine on Ebay for £21 including p&p (£2.10 per film). Anyway - here are a few of the exposures after running a test roll through the Bronica.




Developed in ID11 at a dilution of 1:1 14 minutes 20C. Scanned on a V500, with minor post scan editing in Gimp. As I was warned - no sticky tape at the end of the roll. Oh, if people think Foma is curly? Nah - this stuff is curly after drying.
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@Carl Hall, lovely images, particularly like the detail in 15 balanced with excellent control over the depth of field, nicely done :)

@Trojan_Llama Paul, it's not bad stuff, is it, even if the grain is similar to what you'd see on a faster film. Can't argue with the price either and there's some lovely crisp shadows.
Great shots Carl. I love the picture of the red bike, don't know why because I can't ride the things without falling off.
Right, just back from my darkroom / processing course :)

Here are the three shots I printed up to 8x10 - scanned from the print as I don't have a great scanner at home for negs.

All shot at/around Glasgow Green on HP5+ 400, probably a stop underexposed across the board (need to get used to my light meter a bit better). Shot at 6x7 with my trusty Mamiya RZ67 Pro II with 110mm Sekor Z lens.

Sunburst at Glasgow Green
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr
Enlarged onto 8x10 with no dodging/burning.

Companions diverted?
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr
Enlarged onto 8x10 with some hand dodging to lift the central area more (you can see I've spilled over a bit too much onto the grass at the foreground - now it looks like I've used flash!)

Reflections of Glasgow Green
by pjm1 (Paul), on FlickrEnlarged onto 8x10 with some fairly hefty dodging of the reflection to get the tonal balance better.

All in all, I'm quite pleased with these - not because they're great compositions (they're not) but the darkroom skills I've learned :) Wet photography is brilliant fun!
Those are gorgeous, RJ, particularly the first one, love the colour of the buoy, brilliant. Portra?

ETA: I guessed at Portra before I clicked through to your flickr page, honest! :D
Those are gorgeous, RJ, particularly the first one, love the colour of the buoy, brilliant. Portra?

ETA: I guessed at Portra before I clicked through to your flickr page, honest! :D

Thanks, Dean! Yeah, a couple of those images—the one with the buoy and the one with the standing stones, I think—were shot using expired Portra 400VC.
Well.... having been shooting digital with my D750, I still had a hankering to shoot some film. So, got me a Nikon F100, and used a roll of Agfa 400(from @AshleyC )...
So, a couple of images shot yesterday.... and then home developed in C-41 last night, scanned this morning... nice film too!.
2 of the images are of my 9 month old cat. He was hit by a car 10 days ago, and has had 2 ops in 5 days to try and save his broken leg, so today he is having it amputated.
And the last image is the roll of Agfa....



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Well.... having been shooting digital with my D750, I still had a hankering to shoot some film. So, got me a Nikon F100, and used a roll of Agfa 400]

I just knew you'd be back with a film's like me, simply irresistable :D:D

Such a shame to hear of your puddy tat, i'm sure he'll soon adapt to being a new version of manx cat with tail but 3 legs :p
Get well soon kitty :(