Sigma 70-300 zoom lens with macro

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What's people thoughts in Sigma 70-300 zoom lens with macro for canon eos. Is it any good? Or would you stay clear? Your input would be most welcome, as thinking of buying one for my canon 40d.
Depends on your budget and what you want it for. 'Macro' on any zoom lens does not mean true macro i.e capable of at least a 1:1 image rendition on the sensor. It just tends to mean 'closer focus than normal'. I had one of these lenses and it was fine for a while but in the end I wanted better IQ.

Summed up I guess not bad for the price if you can't afford anything else.

It might be worth deciding which is most important to you, good long focus, or good macro and choose a lens to cover that. One lens won't do both really well. Choose one, buy the best you can afford and save up for the other one.

In the end for me it's IQ that counts so I'm prepared to pay as much as I can afford for lenses.
F/4-5.6 that's all the info I have as looking at them on eBay.

Bit of a minefield then!

Be careful about buying 2nd hand Sigma lenses on ebay as some older ones will not work on your camera (or any EOS digital).

To be safe make sure that the seller has it listed as suitable for digital and that way if it doesn't work you can return it as 'not as described'.
I had the APO DG Macro version, it has a red ring around the front of the lens, a kind of Canon L copycat thing, this version seems to get the best reviews and is the most sought after, consequently they're a little more expensive than the non APO version

Anyroad, for me that lens represented an absolute bargain, coupled to a 500D I got some great images and I simply can't recommend it enough, in fact I'm somewhat sorry I didn't hang onto it :crying: I had it for around a year and only sold it in favour of a 100-300 EX.

Just to illustrate, I've bunged a few images below, get one....nuff said (y)




I had the APO DG Macro version, it has a red ring around the front of the lens, a kind of Canon L copycat thing, this version seems to get the best reviews and is the most sought after, consequently they're a little more expensive than the non APO version

Anyroad, for me that lens represented an absolute bargain, I got some great images and I simply can't recommend it enough,


Well worth paying the extra money for the APO version (having just 'upgraded' myself) :)
Got to agree with Buggerlugs, it's a good lens.

I don't use mine as much these days since I bought the 7D and Sigma 70-200 f2.8. But I had lots of fun with attached to my 400D, and I still use that combo, from time to time.
