SilentGoddess's Photo 52 for 2011 - Week 11 Re-shoot and Knowledge (NOW added)

Thanks Dawn!

Here is the photo with tighter crop on the top and left side! Is it enough and what do you think now?


Hiya Rayna,

Yep I think that works well as it give a bit better offset balance, especially considering the reflection of the sun and the large building to the right of it. Now my eye is led by the reflection through the image and drawn to the right rather than straight down centre.

I still have to look at the photos I took of last nights sunset, will do that in a few minutes.


Dawn :)
Hi Rayna

your Finish capture is just beautiful ( both versions) & ticks all the box's for me :clap: What a lovely sunset(y)
yes, the crop looks better to me too, like the juxtaposition of industry and nature in this one
Thank you Lynne it was a pleasure to shoot the sunset but it was freezing cold. I decided that if there is a sun it will be warm - big mistake. My hands were just frozen! :D But it was worth it!

Thank you for the comments too Fleur! The combination really works in this photo!

We've got new lava lamp and I made few photos of it. As I checked them out I saw one where only three bubbles were formed and -BINGO. This is my winning shot for this week. But then I decided to play a bit with the colours to make it like a Traffic light. The original colour of the wax is the yellow one.

I made two versions of the idea! Let me know which one do you prefer!

Version 1

Version 2

C&C are welcome!
Hi Rayna, the cropped version on your week 9 works very well indeed. Now onto week 10, I am liking the colours, and I am going to say number 1 for me, I find number 2 a lot less involving than the 1st one, the bold and bright colours stand out nicely and and the colour variations make number 1 stand out really nicely.
Week 11 hmm!
I definitely have to make a re-shoot on the "Delicate" theme! My photo for that week wasn't the best I could do. I have few ideas now I just have to go with one of them!
Hiya Rayna,

Firstly, I absolutely love lava lamps .... think it has something to do with me growing up as a young lass in the 70's (bit of a hippy at heart :D). My mom and dad had an old 60's/70's lamp for years and I could spend hours just gazing at it watching the was bubbles bulge and create different forms.

In fact I love any type of lights and have a few, from lava lamp, fibre optic light, disco ball :LOL:, plasma ball, to name a few. They make fantastic subjects to photograph and have taken some stunning photos of same (which I will have to post soon in the general thread ... when I find the time).

I like both the images you have posted, and the traffic light effect you have created. However, I think the light in the base bubble is quite over exposed and the shadow and halo effect caused is quite distracting.

What settings did you use? I found when I took shots of my lava lamp that I resorted to absolutely no additional lighting, and set it to a very long shutter speed in total darkness (which avoided the shadows and OE), however they did need some bring back in post processing (but that was okay as I shot in RAW).

What is the cap like on the top of your lava lamp? I think that by including that would enhance the image and add a bit of interest, because at they stand now, it looks like something is missing. I think you have got the base right, but can imagine the top adding a certain 'space rocket' effect, which would compliment the traffic light effect.


Dawn :)
Hi Dawn!
Thanks for the comments and critique! The settings for the camera were:
  • ISO: 800
  • Exposure: 1/30 sec
  • Aperture: 5.0
  • Focal Length: 41mm
The picture was taken in complete darkness and I realise that the glow at the first (lowest) ball does not look that good. Unfortunately from many photos just this one had three balls. I'll have to try more, but just didn't have time.
The top of the lamp is cone shaped (like a rocket). It is invisible on the photo because there is no light to define it and that is why my crop is so tight. The bottom is over exposed because of the light of the base. In order to have good exposure at the top I got the over exposure at the bottom. I haven't tried to PP to correct the difference!

As I said I need to do another shoot and try to get a better photo!

Hi, Rayna, you edited 'finished' feels better to me.

Your trio, now that was a challenge with the contrasting light. I wonder if a subtle HDR could have improved it? Did you crop the top off? I'd ike to see one with the top in, if you have one.

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hi just looked through your set and you have some great ideas and pics, well done!
Hi Rayna some great pics here.

Finish - I like this sunset shot a lot. Beautiful colours. I love that it's an industrial setting as a contrast to the usual sunset pic. Really nice composition (the new crop is good), exposure and sharpness.

Trio - a really fun pic and perfect for the theme. Great colours. For some odd reason it makes me thinks of the early Dr Who programmes when I was a kid.

Great thread.
Thank you all for the comments on my Trio photos!

@Andy: I am not sure if HDR will improve the image. I am not that familiar with that technique yet. I will have a look how it is done and see what I can do with the photo. Regarding the top of the lamp as I said to Dawn the top of the lamp is invisible in the shot I am using. Because I was shooting in complete darkness the unlit parts of the lamp were invisible. That is why the crop is so tight to the top.

@Patrick: Thank you for the comments on the Finish and Trio. I too love the sunset photo! To be honest I am not a fan of Dr. Who (maybe because I am not originally from UK), but I am happy that the photo brings memories of this hit series.

Your trio, now that was a challenge with the contrasting light. I wonder if a subtle HDR could have improved it? Did you crop the top off? I'd ike to see one with the top in, if you have one.

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A bit catching up to do....

Here are my entries for week 11. I decided to re-shoot the Delicate theme because my entry was not very good and I am having a go at Knowledge too.


This shot was taken yesterday while walking in the local park. I saw this feather stuck on the tip of a branch and it looked so delicate. Also there was a delicate breeze which made the hairs of the feather move gently. I did a bit of PP because the light was very poor as it was in wooded part of the park and it was late afternoon. My only issue is with the sharpness. But this was the best I could achieve at that time because I relied only on the natural light and I didn't have my tripod to stabilise the camera.


For the Knowledge theme I decided to post this photo of my fiancé. We were at the top of Roseberry Topping and there was this... metal pole that looked like a needle stuck in the stone. The photo should represent my Knowledge on using Manual Focus and how can I use the "needle" in a creative composition. My fiancé is looking to one side because he is too cool to look at the camera. :D I am only partially joking! :D

C&C are welcome!

Hiya Rayna,

Week 11 (re-shoot): What a lovely shot for delicate. A bit soft, but in a way it adds to the theme of 'Delicate' for the re-shoot. Actually it kind of looks like a type of dandelion clock :)

Week 11 (knowledge): Like what you have achieved here, just wonder what it would look like with a bit more space around it.

Overall, well done :clap:


Dawn :)
Hi Dawn!

Thanks for the comments on the week 11 photos. As to the re-shoot I know it is a bit soft but it was the best I could achieve. It was a challenge even to get that shot because I was in very shady part of the park and it was getting dark. Anyway as you said the softness maybe is not so bad bearing in mind the theme.

The Knowledge photo is so tight for couple of reasons:
- too many people were on the top of that hill and I did't wanted them in the shot;
- the person gets a bit lost in the photo because it takes even smaller part of the photo;
I took one in the other direction looking toward the see and there is more space on the sides. It was even shot in Landscape orientation because I felt the image will benefit of having more landscape in the shot. But the photo I have submitted it is more about the person and the "needle", that is why they fill the shot.

Hi, Rayna, well composed reshoot, I'd like to see a bit more punch in the whites??

Knowledge, I was first drawn to your fiancé's defiant pose...:D I quite like the close crop...
