Sinister? Nah...


Edit My Images
A few pics of the girlfriend. I think I woke her up... :wacky:

'Ah, aint she sweet'

'Ah cr*p, made her jump!'

'Arghhhh!!!!' :help:

'Nice and calm, just relax, take the medication...'

'Bye bye my pretty'

Comments appreciated. :)
comments...... your in trouble, get a sleeping bag for the sofa, take the rocks out from under its cushions

just think she might be a tad cross
sorry they dont work for me, there is too much noise, looks liek you ahve tried to drag the pictures back from being too under exposed. number 3 looks very staged to me. I like the idea it just needs more work.
No need to appologise! :) They weren't meant to be masterful shots anyway really.

They weren't under exposed, I just wanted a 'dirtier' feel so I upped the saturation and contrast and lowered the brightness before removing the colour and adding the noise. The colours were poor anyway. :p

They were staged poses but we were just having a laugh and I've been so bored this aft I decided to use them somehow - they ended up in wierd storyboard! lol

Thanks for the comments.
No need to appologise! :) They weren't meant to be masterful shots anyway really.

They weren't under exposed, I just wanted a 'dirtier' feel so I upped the saturation and contrast and lowered the brightness before removing the colour and adding the noise. The colours were poor anyway. :p

They were staged poses but we were just having a laugh and I've been so bored this aft I decided to use them somehow - they ended up in wierd storyboard! lol

Thanks for the comments.

always good to have fun with your camera, as i said great idea have you tried other ways of processing them?
It seems I've overwritten the originals so I'll have to upload them from the camera again. Doh!

I tried some softer processing on the first but the light (although not bad), isn't soft enough. Any ideas?
the second and the last are the best pics imo, ideas fro processing im not sure tbh, just dont think the addition of noise is the best way to go. Have you tired very high contrast B&W or some sort of cross processing or maybe some vignette. have a play in ps and see what works.