Skomer Island Puffins

#1,3&4 are really great. Love the shot in flight, really well exposed.
Thank you Byker28i.

BIF is something I need more practice in, not sure my lens can focus fast enough or maybe I just can't follow the subject well enough ;)
Some lovely shots there. The composition of the first one is very nice, but if you don't mind my opinion, I think it would benefit from a slight reduction in brightness. If you have Lightroom or another Raw processing application, I'd be tempted to dial the exposure down a tiny amount, just to bring out a bit more of the detail.
Love 10 & 9 too.
Thanks for your comments Dave.

Dave opinions are always welcome and I see what you are thinking regarding the brightness but the Puffin appeared to be looking off into the distance in a dreamy sort of way and I think the image captures that but you weren't to know that ;)
Nice set Mark- I'm planning a trip there myself next week ;)

I love No1 by the way- well caught- shame no sand eels though - the Puffin's classic pose :D

Les (y)