Critique Sleeping swan

A nice concept but unfortunately the focus has landed on the feathers instead of around the eye which for me is a real killer. Maybe if you were to go a bit more arty and moody with the processing and make it a stud of the wing feathers it 'may' work. Just an idea

Thanks Mike, I think my camera/lens needs fine tuning. I was single point focused bang on the eye.
Ive never fine tuned the camera before. I know its a +- thing so does this mean it needs more + or more -?
Beautiful shot, but I agree, the swan's eye has been upstaged by the feathers. The light is also working against you in that respect. Even if the focus were perfect, the viewer would be drawn to the brightness. I think you needed to use a smaller aperture so both were in focus.

Also, and this is picky and purely personal taste, a plain border is ok but I really don't like that drop shadow effect.