snapshot question

Street may have to be taken quickly before the moment passes, but there's still planning that goes into that shot before it even materialises - which I think makes it more than just a snapshot that turned out ok.

This shot I had a very tiny window to take the photo as I was going the opposite way on the escalator.. but I wasn't hasty in the planning of the shot - and I had artistic intent.

Q2 - London by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

and this street photo I took my time worked the angles.. it was not hastily taken.

Q2 - Le Monde by Daniel Cook, on Flickr
You misunderstand, I wasn't making the point that Street and Candid are just snapshots, it was more about the criteria that a quickly taken photograph with little planning isn't necessarily what could be called a snapshot.
I once attempted to join a group which prohibited snap shots from being submitted to the group. It was a street photography group. Street photography's typical photo taking technique means to shoot quickly without much thought. So then what is not a snap shot for this group, I asked. The answer was it was a photo that had not been completely Photoshopped to remove all the blemishes inherent in a snap shot. That was the definition of a snap shot for this particular group. Agree?
I probably don't; but I note that they are effectively defining a snapshot as a photograph which has inherent blemishes. That is interesting.
You misunderstand, I wasn't making the point that Street and Candid are just snapshots, it was more about the criteria that a quickly taken photograph with little planning isn't necessarily what could be called a snapshot.
Looking at it another way: perhaps a snapshot is what the viewer decides is a snapshot, regardless of the photographer's intentions. So one viewer might decide it's a snapshot while another may decide it's reportage. As the photographer I have no control over that so to me it's simply a photograph...


I would 'read' snapshot in many outcomes as "a record shot" the following context?
  • In a lot of circumstances my aim is manage to take as many images as possible that meet the criteria I set myself
    i.e. in the case of ,perhaps, a wildlife day out - a high keeper rate of the target subject (and any others that present themselves ;) )

  • the same would apply though with a more open self brief for general days out with the exception of any intentional planned subjects
    i.e. that whatever catches my eye?

  • So what would make a snapshot in the above situations ~ anything still worth keeping but not necessarily to share as being more than a record/memory photograph.

    This does not mean such an image is less worthy than one that I am more pleased with but that it maybe lacks something that makes it stand out from the rest???
FWIW @AndrewFlannigan the one of the bus conductor throwing out crumbs for the pigeons does have a message that stands out, as a "look at life" memory photograph ;)