Snowdon sunrise part 2

Great photos Rory!

1 & 2 (2 being my favourite!) are fantastic and for me, I feel #3 is in a slightly lower league and could benefit from a little more PP to bring up to the the premier league (maybe even just more exposure on the foreground).

Very nice.

Well done.
Great light Rory, even better when the lakes are calm like this well worth the early start, I went out this morning but never got camera out.
Great photos Rory!

1 & 2 (2 being my favourite!) are fantastic and for me, I feel #3 is in a slightly lower league and could benefit from a little more PP to bring up to the the premier league (maybe even just more exposure on the foreground).

Very nice.

Well done.
The sun had just risen at that point however it was masked for a few minutes by the low cloud hence the flat look to the shot.
Breathtaking shots! Love the light and and composition. Would love to take shots like that! Dog shot is nice too!
Excellent work, the lake in #1 looks like a blob of glass!
Gorgeous Images! I particularly like no.2 Stunning with the golden light beginning to illuminate the mountains and foliage.
Great again Rory.
Im heading up this month sometime, what do you suggest i take (lens wise)?
Was looking at just a wide angle and a tripod. Should i add a zoom to it or the 300mm?
A tripod is priority then wide angle is a must. A 300 is nice to alter perspective however the biggest factor to consider is weight !!
Haha yeah, thats why i was only thinking about taking the one.
But if its worth it....
Or would 200mm be enough?

I had two lenses with me, the 24 105 and the 70-200 Both are L so there was some additional weight.

I have ordered a 12-24 which will arrive next week. That would have been an interesting lens to use ;)
I had two lenses with me, the 24 105 and the 70-200 Both are L so there was some additional weight.

I have ordered a 12-24 which will arrive next week. That would have been an interesting lens to use ;)

Cheers Rory.
Ill be taking the 10-20mm its just if i take the 18-200mm or 300mm as well?

Just hope i can manage some shots half as good as yours!
Great images. I actually like the one with your dog the most because I can imagine he loves getting out with you and he keeps you company when out..?

1 and 2 are superb. 1 being my favourite - the light on the hills is perfect. Great shots.
fantastic set, number 2 is my fave. You must have set off really early that day, your alarm clock is obviously better than mine :LOL:
How come it wasn't raining... It hasn't stopped on the other side of the Irish Sea. A great set & one or two there to be really proud of.
Another great set Rory. I said in Part 1 that there was some lovely light on those rock faces and you've shown it really well. #2 is a favourite of the bunch.
The second and third shots are pretty special Rory. Lovely colours in the sky in both.