So Many Wrongs On (Treemendous!) Tree!

Edit My Images
Hi All.

Im a very, very, & seemingly crap amateur photographer..
That would like to learn as I can't seem to get my images right :(

There just seems so much wrong with this image.
Its another 11 months til more snow lol & when I get back out in landscape in such opportunity, I want to get it right.

I'd like to accentuate the branches against the sky, i've already slightly unsharpened & increased shadows slightly to show the blackness without losing detail on the houses in the background.

Wrong = I've cut off top the tree whats annoyed me, but any further back, I would have been paddling in a stream behind me lol, & didnt want to take from other angle as stream side too messy. :shake:

Argh! I'm furiated lol. I did photograph some versions landscape but also looked quite odd, & again couldn't put my finger on why. I also took some low shots (painfully & cold laid in the snow) - showing the snow on the ground, sweeping across- but- ended up cutting off even more of the top of tree, and so then had to apply stitching, what resulted in a loss of my landscape version of my image.

Calling all critique to tell me where the heck i'm going wrong.
I've got my heart & ambition in the right place, but I am at the bottom of the useless poo pile when it comes to photography :shake:

A Tree to Test The BW by SmallTownGirll, on Flickr
I think it looks quite good actually! ;)

But If it were me editing it, then I would sharpen up the contrast a lot more to get the effect you want with the branches, and lighten the shadows slightly, applying some 'lowlights'.....and upping the brightness a little! :)
I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with it. It's obviously not the best photograph ever, but it's good and, by looking at this, I don't see how you could have done it better. I like that you have missed the top & ends of some branches - if you hadn't it would just have been a tree in a frame, but because you have it seems more real. Something we're in instead or something we're looking at, if you get me.

Maybe use a wider lens from a lower vantage point from underneath the branches. Have a look at Ansel Adams' photographs of trees for some inspiration & ideas on composition (y)
