So that's where they go!

Never an even number is it.

One of my previous dogs (Fingal the English Springer Spaniel) was a demon sock eater.

The kids were terrible for discarding their dirty socks and Fingal would eat them if he got to them before we could tidy up.

Fortunately he always passed them - I was forever discovering sock poos in the garden.
Never an even number is it.

One of my previous dogs (Fingal the English Springer Spaniel) was a demon sock eater.

The kids were terrible for discarding their dirty socks and Fingal would eat them if he got to them before we could tidy up.

Fortunately he always passed them - I was forever discovering sock poos in the garden.

Sock poos lol!

Sent from button moon...
People have 43 pairs of socks?