So the mouse on my mac seems to have died...

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Mighty mouse?! Yeah right...

Seems the apparently common problem of the trackball scrolling up, left or right but not down has happened and despite lots of tries I cant get it working again.

So, was just curious if there's any mouses/mice(?!) that people swear by since I might very well be in the market for a new one?
You may well have already, but have you tried inverting the mouse on a clean sheet of paper and rolling it on the ball in all directions?

That quite often causes the blockage to fall out and leaves the ball working as new.
If it's a mighty mouse them the ball probably needs a good clean.
It's the one Apple product I've used that really isn't that good for long term use.
Just get out the back cloth that came with the mouse then trun the mouse upsite down and bash the OI! out of it on the cloth and roll it round an circles for a few minutes.

Then marvel at how much of your finger skin has shed in the mouse....!
I had that happen with mine - if you can take it into an Apple store they will sort it out for you, it is known design flaw. Mine was perfect again afterwards.......for about a month and now is back to not working, going to head back to the store and see what they suggest. I will keep an eye on this thread though because I could well be looking for an alternative too......
Wow...quick replies!

Havent tried the paper trick yet simmontino, thanks for that one - will give it a go later!

andrewc, I know any usb will work, just wondered if anyone had any particular favourites. Since I might have to be spending the money anyway, I may as well get a decent one.

Edtog, not the first time this has happened - think Im with you regarding the quality of them!

KayJay - point noted, thankyou!
Seriously just turn it upside down and run the ball in circles on the black cleaning cloth and it will be fine.

I have to do it every few weeks but it works fine.

If there was a major problem with the design they would have changed it would they not...!

Just a but of skin to get out. The paper trick may help as will a bit of compressed air but just an upside down rub works fine...!
x2 to cleaning it. Try a dab of cleaning alcohol as well, then turn it upside down and scroll in all directions.
wow thanks everyone my mouse wasn't working and i have took it back to pc world 3 times and this is my 3rd to stop working and i though ahh ill just keep it, but i have just done the paper trick and now its working fine
Hi there.

Yes - the first time my mighty mouse 'packed up' I didn't know what to do either and the answer wasn't so easy to find. Turn it upside down and really rub that little ball hard. If it doesn't work first time - do it again.

I've recently experienced problems with my mouse freezing despite the bluetooth connection appearing OK etc.

The only remedy was to go to Bluetooth settings and disconnect mouse (thank goodness for the tracker pad). Then switch off the mouse and switch it on again.

This would happen sometimes 3 or 4 times a day.

The latest OS update seemed to fix the problem an update (2 updates ago) caused. The previous update stated it was fixing some bluetooth issues and I was hopeful but it didn't help.

Another reason for keeping your OS up to date. Now there's Snow Leopard - Will it or won't it (break my mouse) we ask ourselves...
mightymouse = apple fail. worse mouse ever by a long way, microsoft make good mice, logitech make good mice, but not apple.
Apple have never been good at designing mice. I've been using Macs since my Mum bought an LC. Their mice sucked then, just as they suck now! Remember the hockey puck mouse which the first iMacs had? Madness, I tell you.

Any USB mouse will work but, personally, I always buy Logitech mice. They feel great, my hand doesn't get tired or uncomfortable and they have some excellent drivers for configuring all the buttons.

Mighty mouse?! Yeah right...

Seems the apparently common problem of the trackball scrolling up, left or right but not down has happened and despite lots of tries I cant get it working again.

So, was just curious if there's any mouses/mice(?!) that people swear by since I might very well be in the market for a new one?

Yep, mighty mice are cak, the scroll ball died on mine a short while after purchase. I think everyone has a similar story to tell.

Usually I take a mouse apart to clean it but the MM has an overly complicated design, making it very difficult to clean.
After gutting one and attempting to clean it, a nervous breakdown nearly followed, it was like a Japanese game show :thumbsdown: IMO, they are designed to fail quickly, fitting the cyclical consumption ethic.

I haven't used one for a long time.

Pretty much, any USB mouse will work though.

I get alot of flack about my choice of mouse but I find it the most comfortable and effective mouse since coming across one as an assistant in a recording studio:


I love it!
Hi, Ihave a mighty mouse from before the scroll wheel, it is wireless but without the scroller, it is actually for sale if you want to downgrade.
I had problem with mine too, i was adviced at the Apple store to spray liquid lens cleaner and rolling it upside down on an A4 paper (or any paper). It does the trick, for a while. Then it will happen again, it's not perfect but it takes 3 minutes to fix it again.
mightymouse = apple fail. worse mouse ever by a long way, microsoft make good mice, logitech make good mice, but not apple.

Not quite the worst mouse, this is the worst mouse, but it's a close call..

Thanks for all the replies folks - Im happy to report thatt its fully functioning again after turning it upside down and rolling it like crazy on the cleaning cloth!

Please don't take this as any endorsement that I believe its designed well at all though...