So what system are you with ?

Phil aka Phiggys
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Shot on phone with one of those clip on lens attachment thingys
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I had Canon, Nikon and Fuji at one point. Got rid of Fuji and only have a couple of Canon bits now but mainly Nikon
I have a couple of Panasonic Micro Four Thirds cameras and 7 lenses which for me is a pretty complete little kit, I use it when I want a responsive camera. I also have a Sony A7 which I mostly use manual lenses with and when I want the best quality I can get.
Nikon since 1988, Praktica for a few years before that;)

Only Nikon now ... but in the past (counting back) had Olympus 43 (borrowed) ... Canon EF ... Minolta ... Olympus ... Nikon ... Olympus ... Canon FD.

(To be fair the flirtations with Olympus I owned were compact cameras not "systems")
About the only make I do not have is Nikon. My digital cameras are Canon and Olympus/Panasonic M43.
Panasonic atm, all much of a muchness to me, been through most of the usual suspects at this stage. For some reason never used Canon, no idea why
Olympus and Panasonic (IR)

I've had all in the photo but it's not the gear, it's the light and how you use it.

Took me a while but I've seen the light now (sic)
Just Fuji X for me these days.

I still have an EOS620 film body (but no lenses), an Olympus C5050Z, a pair of Ixus cameras, and a Nikon L35 AW AF.

I do also own an EOS-M but it doesn’t get used much anymore :exit:
As people mentioned Nikon...

I had a Nikon SLR for a long time, decades in fact, but I gave it away when I went digital with a Fuji which I think was in 2003 but I've recently bought a few pre AI primes to use on my Sony A7 and this is the first time I've owned anything Nikon since that 35mm SLR.
Canon here, they make what I want and they focus - so no alternative for me and my uses.

I am sure the choice might be different for others - I am not a fanboy, I just use what works and I can afford = no alternative, unfortunately.

For film I had to go with 4 systems: Nikon,
RZ67, Sinar P2 and Linhoff Kardan GT.
Since I converted my operations to digital,
I do well with only two: Phase One & Nikon.
From late seventies to 1998 Olympus. Switched to Nikon and now I have Nikon, Mamiya RZ and Chamonix 45F1 as my analog systems.
Added a Sony A6000 in 2014 and only recently a Fuji x-t2
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early 80's i was using pentax, onto minolta in the late 80's early 90's and then settled with canon around 93 up to present day

never owned a nikon SLR/DSLR although iv'e used quite a few over the years through friends who do use the Nikon system
Hasselblad, Mamiya, Rollei and Pentax - all medium format film equipment.

Username Fujilove?

We're a disperate bunch around here though, at the enthusiast end. In the real world, Canon outsells all other brands put together, and has been market leader for decades. Nikon have been a close second but they've lost ground to Sony recently. Fuji is highly regarded on here but they and all the other manufacturers are tiny players in the big game. Medium format, once the mainstay of professional film users, has been all but wiped out by digital.
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Main bodies and lenses are Nikon. I also have a small Fuji system (XT-10 and three lenses) for when I want something smaller but with good quality, as well as a Panasonic compact for holidays as it does good video. I've also got an old Canon compact that my daughter uses. So in total I have 5 different chargers as the two Nikon ones are different to each other!
I use Nikon personally - Its the only DSLR i have used other than friends Canons. I did however purchase a Fujifilm XT-1 last year and sold it a week later, could not get on with it but i'm pretty sure that was user error as i found a few of the images i took and they were fantastic - Settings and whatnot was just not for me.
Username Fujilove?

I was using (and loving) my X100S when I joined this forum. Now I use plenty of Acros, Provia, Velvia, Superia, Reala, Fuji paper and chemicals...And my Xpan was built by Fuji, so I guess the name's still appropriate.

Medium format, once the mainstay of professional film users, has been all but wiped out by digital.

It's more accurate to say, "Medium format film, once the mainstay of professional users, has been all but wiped out by small format digital."

Pentax, Hasselblad, Fuji and Leica all make digital medium format cameras.
Username Fujilove?

We're a disperate bunch around here though, at the enthusiast end. In the real world, Canon outsells all other brands put together, and has been market leader for decades. Nikon have been a close second but they've lost ground to Sony recently. Fuji is highly regarded on here but they and all the other manufacturers are tiny players in the big game. Medium format, once the mainstay of professional film users, has been all but wiped out by digital.
Erm I lost you there, what are you trying to say?
I was using (and loving) my X100S when I joined this forum. Now I use plenty of Acros, Provia, Velvia, Superia, Reala, Fuji paper and chemicals...And my Xpan was built by Fuji, so I guess the name's still appropriate.

It's more accurate to say, "Medium format film, once the mainstay of professional users, has been all but wiped out by small format digital."

Pentax, Hasselblad, Fuji and Leica all make digital medium format cameras.
As does the mamiya factory now owned by Danish company Phase One
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Currently Nikon, Olympus and iPhone. In the past Nikon, Canon, Canon, Sony, Sony, Sony, Sony, Nikon, Olympus, Sony, Canon, Fuji, Olympus, Olympus, Nikon (might have missed a couple out ;))