Some London buses

Rob Telford
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OK. We don't get enough photos of buses in this forum. It is, apparently, the poor relation of transport photography, losing out in glamour to cars, planes and trains.

Here are a few of my (relatively) recent favs, with a few notes about each one

1. Mostly for the scenic value of St Paul's cathedral in the background

Metroline VPL600
by cybertect, on Flickr

2. Mucking about with short depth of field with my FD 85mm f/1.2 L. Not something you see done so often with buses :)

Stagecoach 18492 by cybertect, on Flickr

3. Panning at speed with a manual focus lens (a Contax Zeiss MM Distagon T* 28mm f2.8 FWIW). Prefocus and pan till the vehicle hits the spot and release the shutter.

Abellio 8553 [YX11 AEB]
by cybertect, on Flickr

4. Annoying street lamp at the top of the frame, but I like the atmosphere in this. It was piddling with rain at the time; the muck up the side and condensation on the windows lets me know exactly what it would be like standing inside the vehicle.

Abellio 8527 [YX59 BYV]
by cybertect, on Flickr

5. Tricksy double exposure. The camera was resting on a bollard. I took one shot with the bus at the stand. Then followed on with a second exposure as it was pulling away from the stand. The second image was then layered on top of the first in Photoshop to create a digital double exposure.

MEC 31 leaving London Bridge
by cybertect, on Flickr

6. I think it is mostly the unity of colour that appeals to me in this - reds through browns and yellows dominate, with just a couple of splashes of blue in the advertising and dashboards linking the two buses together.

Arriva London T 66 [LJ59 ACY]
by cybertect, on Flickr
Great pictures. I'm a bus driver with one of the companies!