Some more world series by Renault - Silverstone

Daniel Walton
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What do you guys think of these?


Quad bikes can really fly these days, particularly if you put the rear wing on the wrong way round! :LOL:



I think the fence ruins this one a bit, the width is unchanged from that caught on camera.


F1 demo. Too much angle?


Not particularly great, but I usually miss the mishaps.


I quite like this one.


Shame i cut the nose off, but i'm really pleased with the panning. Is he related to John Surtees?

Thats the best of them, all comments appreciated.

noticed the aero tweeks on the quad bike, too.. wasn't sure if it was just a way of transporting spares or if it was necessary to avoid take off in the paddock. ;)

3 - looks a bit too bright on my monitor, so might want to knock the exposure down a touch if you shot raw whilst 4 & 6 look a bit too dark / too much contrast!

as i say it could partly be my monitor as it's not calibrated, plus theres an element of personal taste to post processing anyway - so no offence intended.

shame you chopped the nose off 7, looks like it would have been a good one, but you could try a tighter crop on the cockpit - could make it look intentional! :D

might post a couple of mine later if i can work out how to host them...
Really like number 2 the angle really works for me(y).

I've heard Silverstone is a bit of nightmare for photography so you did well I think. I'd be pleased with them anyway. :)

I agree that losing the front and rears of the cars is a bit of a shame...I'd like to see some room for them to move into.

you could try a tighter crop on the cockpit - could make it look intentional! :D

this is the sort of thing i was on about:

plus here are a few others from the same event - mainly used slow shutter speeds of around 1/100th of a second, to blur the distracting background + get visible wheel rotation.

2) at the time i thought they were 'doing a coulthard' - turns they were just exchanging finishing positions..




..and a few of the historic racers they had out on track - actually being driven pretty hard! unfortunatly i just missed ragnotti doing a high speed 360 down the pit straight!



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Walto Ok, brace yourself :D

#1 bit soft, bit cluttered - its a snap of something funny rather than a photo...

#2 Nasty background, a bit tight on the left

#3 lost front and back so not full frame, not enough cut off to make it work as a partial.

#4 Don't mind the angle, but Gribbsy always tells me downhill looks better than uphill. He's said it to me so many times I should at least start telling other people even if I don't listen myself :D

#5 Bit soft, nasty background

#6 wheel blur is nice, not quite sure if the partial car works or if the wheel should be in the centre of the frame or what? Might be worth trying some crops from that?

#7 no, sorry, that partial car doesn't work for me. Just looks like a miss - no front and the spoiler just slightly chopped. The forumula I worked out for partials of open seaters is you need the front wheel, the driver and some of the air scoop - plus the front wheel needs to be clearly in front of the drivers head. I looked at bloody hundreds of photos to come up with that formula! CaptainBeefHeart's #1 photo shows exactly how it works - although even he has cropped a bit of the wheel!

Don't take this too hard, if you like your photos then they are great - you aren't trying to sell them to me or anyone else! On the other hand, perhaps have a think about some of those points - I try to! (but don't always succeed!!)
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thanks for the feedback guys, on the whole i was not that pleased with the set but such is life.

i think you make a good point with regard to the composition of the cockpit close-ups, they do look better when coming from the from the front or slightly to the rear, like this one...


cut the front wing off this one too :LOL: shame there wasn't a car diving up the inside of him!

think you have a point regarding the colours and exposures, i haven't played with them too much in photoshop so it is something i should look at.

some cracking panning shots in that bunch captain :clap:, the close up partial is probably my fave. whereabouts were the classics taken from?

if the 'mishap' in image 5 was caught on Saturday lunchtime, I couldn't have been too far away as I have the same car at the end of a slide which I just missed.

Also, the last pic you have just posted of the cockpit is excellent, you can even see some detail in the mirrors!
whereabouts were the classics taken from?

took those from a marshalls post on the infield at maggots. no fences there! just a 4ft armco..

agree with Jas - that last one you've posted is much better, and personally I don't think it would benefit from a car on the inside as you'd lose the contrast of that nicely blurred background!
Jas - yeah, the spin was on saturday lunchtime. there were quite a few examples of nice kit around at that time, as there was for most of the weekend tbh. it was a lucky grab shot really.

captainbeefheart - im surprised you managed to get to a marshals post, let alone managed to stay there. you must have a reasonably long lens to get them from there, unless they are cropped of course.

i think the motion blur on the kurb is necessary to illustrate the speed, i meant to say that it would have been better if a car had been filling his mirror. but i guess the odds of catching that are very poor.
captainbeefheart - im surprised you managed to get to a marshals post, let alone managed to stay there.

They can be a bit ott on the 'health and safety' at some events, but I was quite impressed with how relaxed they were that day!

you must have a reasonably long lens to get them from there, unless they are cropped of course.

Just checked my original raw files - they have been cropped a touch - mainly for composition (~10% max), shot at 200mm.

Don't forget, there are bigger sections of grass and gravel between the track and the main spectator areas around the outside for obvious safety reasons - the gaps a bit smaller from the inside!

i think the motion blur on the kurb is necessary to illustrate the speed, i meant to say that it would have been better if a car had been filling his mirror. but i guess the odds of catching that are very poor.

ahh.. that would have been good. make sure you do that next time!