Some Night Shots from York

What a great set of shots, just love the first one, very nice technique.
oooh, All Saints and Star Trails. Wish I'd thought of that. Brilliant shot. Nice long exp. on the castle too. Touch blown out but who cares :). Wonder how it would fare trying the minster with trails?

@Mesharp, at a guess, I'd say a decent number of minimally short exposures (couple of minutes at a time or a little longer maybe). ISO 800 or so, all stacked together. Dibbly will be able to confirm.
Certainly a good effort Mike, looks good. It's a trade off of shutting down the aperture and having a longer exposure time per shot at lower ISO as opposed to maybe upping the ISO, opening the aperture and taking hundres of much shorter shots increasing your shutter count all for the sake of a single image would you not agree :)

Might give this a go with The Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool sometime. It's location is actually in a slightly darker part of the city (as opposed to the Catholic Cathedral half a mile away that has street and ambient lighting all over the place)
Certainly a good effort Mike, looks good. It's a trade off of shutting down the aperture and having a longer exposure time per shot at lower ISO as opposed to maybe upping the ISO, opening the aperture and taking hundres of much shorter shots increasing your shutter count all for the sake of a single image would you not agree :)

Might give this a go with The Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool sometime. It's location is actually in a slightly darker part of the city (as opposed to the Catholic Cathedral half a mile away that has street and ambient lighting all over the place)

Hi Ian. Yes agree totally - my usual approach is to go with 30secs and aperture a stop or two off wide open then add iso as appropriate. If it's a dark-ish spot then maybe up to iso 800 but not for inner city stuff.

Good luck with the Cathedral in Liverpool - look forward to seeing the results :)