Some PR/sponsor shots from the weekend

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A mate has qualified for the GBR triathlon world champs in Beijing and wanted me to take some shots for his sponsors....

Let me know what you think.... All criticism welcome.




Nice work IMHO . (y)

My only crit is on the 2nd image the legs seem to stop in mid air..!!! I would either crop it . Or see if the original has some light on it for seperation..

My only crit is on the 2nd image the legs seem to stop in mid air..!!! I would either crop it . Or see if the original has some light on it for seperation..

Can I disagree? ;)
I think it works superbly the way it is. If you could see the rest of his legs to the bottom of the shot, I feel it would unbalance the image.

Just my tuppence worth :D
Can I disagree? ;)
I think it works superbly the way it is. If you could see the rest of his legs to the bottom of the shot, I feel it would unbalance the image.

Just my tuppence worth :D


" I have a thing about things not being grounded...!!! I need to step back sometimes. ;)"

#3 is superb, a really nice use of subtle lighting.
#2 I liked because of the lighting, but thought the face a little bright for the image.
#1 is a great 'product' shot, but doesn't have the impact of the other two. I'd like to see what it looked like with out the reflection and a little shadow

Eitherway - stonking lighting setup on all shots.
Thanks for the feedback guys - The first two were intentionally part of the "standard shots" shot list. The last was me giving a little more imagination and part of the more off the wall shot list.

Client was pleased and sponsors have bought a couple of the images (from the standard shots list BTW).
No.1 Great shot but for me a touch too much space at the top.

No.2 Again great but for the look of the shot I think the face is too bright with too much shadow in his eyes and you lose them.

No.3 Love the general feel but think the OOC shot could have been a touch brighter then with a lot of contrast added in PP, where I think this would have remained moody, but had a touch more detail.

Nice stuff though and great to see a change from the family portrait work I normally see.

BTW I guess this was done as a free shoot but you held on to the images other than proofs to promote sales?
Free shoot for the guy in the photos. But his sponsors have bought rights to use some of the shots for the next 3 months in press releases and internal news-letters.
Ben - check out the opening page of Photo Professional mag this month. There's an almost identical shot in there to your first.

I think the first one is very good. Not so keen on the lighting in the second. The light on his face is a tad hot I think.

Last one is very good too and great use of light. (y)
Think the first two shots are very good.

Like the idea of the third one but it could be anyone, now if the face could be recognisable, it would be my fav.