Some Views of Whitby

Andy Grant
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A few more from Whitby.

1. The Abbey Steps

2. Morning on the Quay

3. A Lonely Walk

4. A Grand Day Out (?)

5. Whitby By Night

As usual any c & c is welcome with open arms (y)


72 views and no comments, I must be getting worse. Anyone got anything to say about these? Good or bad I don't mind just a want a bit of feedback. (y)


Gee Andy, what a wonderful tour of Whitby which I glimpsed only from a bridge or an overpass above the town (if I recall correctly). Other images of this picturesque hamlet were featured in the mini series Heartbeat to which Sandra and I, when it was screened in Oz, were totally addicted!
72 views and no comments, I must be getting worse. Anyone got anything to say about these? Good or bad I don't mind just a want a bit of feedback. (y) Cheers Andy
I'm amazed that your desk isn't flooded with fan mail over these. My only regret is not having stayed over to explore the town when we toured the UK - I had no idea at the time what I was missing. Captain Cook, the English navigator who explored and mapped the coastline of Australia was born in Whitby and sailed from there.
1. I like it! My eye isn't really drawn to anything on it though, just wonders around.

2. Nice, thought not a huge fan of the composisition, right hand side is a little heavy and too many "tall" structures; bench/lamp/tower/pole etc.

3. A little flat for my liking, could do with a touch of contrast and also 1x sharpening filter.

4. I really like this, looks like it is actually old, well processed. If I didn't know otherwise I'd have thought it was from a film camera in the 60's :p.

5. Great, tone is a little red, maybe a slight cooling filter, and also a slight "hdr" next time. (Not the typical ott crazy HDR, just the actually useful HDR to get rid of the blown highlights in the doorways/the street.)
Some nice images. I was there myself a few weeks ago and I have to say, you have captured the mood of the place, if that makes sense.
72 views and no comments, I must be getting worse. Anyone got anything to say about these? Good or bad I don't mind just a want a bit of feedback. (y)


I know the feeling :LOL:

I have to admit to not being a fan of Whitby, we went a couple of years ago and it did absolutely nothing for me.

Your photo's tell a different story to the images I have in my head though and well done you. I like them all if I am honest.

The Abbey Steps one I find the street lamp a bit over powering but other than that a great shot.

#4 is more like the memories I have of Whitby!

Nice set, thanks for sharing them.
Thanks for all the comments folks. I have taken on board the ideas and will have a further go at pp'ing.


I've only been there for one day, and your photos capture it well. I like the mixtures of sunny number 2, and moody no 4. Makes in interesting set with a mixture of moods! (y)
love the last one but get rid of the slow sign on the harbor wall, its just too distracting. I love Whitby and I think you have captured its spirit. I also love the abbey steps at night, never dared to go up them in the dark though.
Great set
Love #3, the sea looks deadly against the calmness of the figure.

Thanks Claire, thats exactly what I thought when I saw it.

I've only been there for one day, and your photos capture it well. I like the mixtures of sunny number 2, and moody no 4. Makes in interesting set with a mixture of moods! (y)

Thanks Dave, typical October weekend really, sunny then rain then wind and rain then sunny again. :thinking:

Thanks Chrisbie, it is a bit spooky and then I went through the graveyard up to the abbey. didn't hang about long there I can tell you..... :eek:

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I find 4 intriguing, it could have been taken anytime in the last 40 years
There all really good, hard to pick a favourite, but I think no.4 just edges it. Well done.

Thanks Peter, I'm pleased with the way it came out.

No. 1 apart from the bright light behind the lamp post

Thanks John, yes I agree still needs a little work I think.

I find 4 intriguing, it could have been taken anytime in the last 40 years

Thanks Andy, that was the effect I was after, glad it worked for you.

Great shots Andy.

I love Whitby and I think you have captured the heart of the place with these shots.

I agree with earlier comments about the lamp but otherwise a great shot.

Love the perspective in no 1, really gives a feel for how high and steep the steps are.
3, 4 & 5 a crackers as well :clap:
love the first one, its just a shame the street light is so bright. 4 looks great but freezing!!! 5 i like but the sign in the forground ruins it for me.
but all in all a big thumbs up from me.
#1 and #4 for me are the pick of a great set, love the lighting in #1