Somebody Put the Kettle On ...

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Home Made Chocolate Tea Cakes:


For anyone not in the mood for chocolate how about a nice cup of tea and an oat biscuit?


I'm not sure about the teacake shot but am rather pleased with the tea and biscuits. All opinions welcome.:)
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Tea cakes look delicious - must get the kettle on.
The oat biscuits look nice too, but they need a little more room in frame and you've chopped the top of the cup off too - Back to the kitchen girl !
the tea cakes shot has a few things wrong, composition, background colour, WB issue possibly,framing.

The oat biscuit shot I think the cup needs to be in shot but out of focus. possibly shot from a higher angle looking down on what is inside the cup.

Both look soft too me. Are you sharpening after you have resized them?

I do like your cooking though.
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I quite like the chocolate tea cakes shot, but I can't help wondering what it would look like being just the two cut-in-half ones without the others in the background.

I would really like to be able to see the top of the cup in the second shot, as I feel it lacks a little context without that.

You said something about 'anyone not in the mood for chocolate'. How could anyone ever NOT be in the mood for chocolate?
I see what you mean about the cup being out of view, I'll have another go with that shot tomorrow.

Tiler what is it about the background colour you don't like? Too bright, overpowering?
I am sharpening in PP but only using 'auto sharpen' - another area for me to practice.

The orange backgound looks too much like the chocolate.

If you ggogle a colour pie chart (for colours that match), a bit like a paint card from dulux etc you will see that they are all similar. I hope I am not losing you (or myself for that matter).

Now for your background what you need 'sometimes' are contrasting colours which are on the opposite sides of the colour pie chart.

I will try and find you an example.

As for sharpening.

1. edit your shot as you normally do.

2. then resize for whatever purpose you have. If it is for web save size to 800 ish on the longest side and set resolution at 72.

3. then sharpen (this should be the last stage) I would use USM (unsharp mask) filter firstly as this gives an even sharpening to most situations. Use something like Amount 75%, radius 1.5, and threshold at 0.

Hope this helps.
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