Beginner Somerset Sunsets

All great, I can understand why 2 was the pick though. 4 not as good (IMO) but then it's a more difficult shot and trying something different. the horizon in 1 looks a little uneven to me too.
Hi Simon and Welcome to the Frey!
I always try and give honest feedback based on how i critique my own photos. Some take umbrage to criticism but personally i love it and you can only improve when someone points out something that isn't quite as good as it could be IMHO.

No1 Personally i like this but the flare is a little annoying. You will rarely get rid of flare shooting directly into the sun but some Lenses are better than others, also filters on the lens can compound the problem. Sometimes the only way around it is to take one shot and shade the sun from the lens with a credit card or your hand etc the another un-shaded shot and combine the photos in Post Processing especially as flare can be notoriously hard to clone out . Also here there isn't really a focal point with exception of the sun. Another note is the large amount of sky. You can look at this by just scrolling your shot down the page a little right down to the top of the cloud on the right, do you think that letter box crop works better? Nice colour and Sunburst plus the foreground isn't over lightened which some people are always tempted to do.

No2 Better shot, in as much as you have a focal point (i guess you can see the difference between 1 & 2, obviously Jessops did). Makes No1 look a little like ABS, I think the grass is possibly about right looking at the height of the sun..... Probably could do with a little less sky too, otherwise good.

No3 Unfortunately doesn't do anything for me, the sky is overwhelmed by the sun which is a bit of a blob. The foreground is really cluttered, this may have been a nice opportunity to shoot what the golden light from the sun is illuminating rather than the sun itself, look at the light hitting the opposite side of that popular tree for example.

No 4 I like this. If you'd have got a bit more depth of field and got the Logs and Tree in focus you'd have cracked it IMHO. A little work on the sky and sorted.

Obvious photography is subjective and this is just my 2d, others my think i'm speaking cobblers :)
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Hi Simon and Welcome to the Frey!
I always try and give honest feedback based on how i critique my own photos. Some take umbrage to criticism but personally i love it and you can only improve when someone points out something that isn't quite as good as it could be IMHO.

No1 Personally i like this but the flare is a little annoying. You will rarely get rid of flare shooting directly into the sun but some Lenses are better than others, also filters on the lens can compound the problem. Sometimes the only way around it is to take one shot and shade the sun from the lens with a credit card or your hand etc the another un-shaded shot and combine the photos in Post Processing especially as flare can be notoriously hard to clone out . Also here there isn't really a focal point with exception of the sun. Another note is the large amount of sky. You can look at this by just scrolling your shot down the page a little right down to the top of the cloud on the right, do you think that letter box crop works better? Nice colour and Sunburst plus the foreground isn't over lightened which some people are always tempted to do.

No2 Better shot, in as much as you have a focal point (i guess you can see the difference between 1 & 2, obviously Jessops did). Makes No1 look a little like ABS, I think the grass is possibly about right looking at the height of the sun..... Probably could do with a little less sky too, otherwise good.

No3 Unfortunately doesn't do anything for me, the sky is overwhelmed by the sun which is a bit of a blob. The foreground is really cluttered, this may have been a nice opportunity to shoot what the golden light from the sun is illuminating rather than the sun itself, look at the light hitting the opposite side of that popular tree for example.

No 4 I like this. If you'd have got a bit more depth of field and got the Logs and Tree in focus you'd have cracked it IMHO. A little work on the sky and sorted.

Obvious photography is subjective and this is just my 2d, others my think i'm speaking cobblers :)

Thats brilliant feed back thank you :) exactly what I was looking for. Not trying to make excesses but all these where taking using a standard Nikon D3200 kit lens 18-55mm lens too. But brilliant feed back thank you and every one else too.
I found this forum good for feedback (so long as you don't some of it too much to heart) Simon. I also found studying other people's photos good for my photography. Critiquing other people's photos helps you, not necessarily commenting online (if you don't feel confident enough) but in your head. By seeing errors in photos you begin to look out for them yourself when your framing the shot. Trading your eye and mindset I spose.
Good camera the 3200 :nikon: