Sony A290 V Sony A390

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My Dad has asked for a the Sony A290 for christmas and has seen that with the current of claiming back the tax then he can have the Sony A390 for about £9 more. As a Canon owner I don't know the difference between the 2 models. I did a comparison check on Warehouse Express and all I can find for £50 extra is that the A390 has live view. Is this the only extra function you get when choosing the A390?
Cheers, That has made my mind up. I think with the offer of claiming back the tax means a lot of people think it's not too munch more for the A390 and spend the extra money but in reality, if you spend less on the A290 and then claim the tax back then it makes it quite a cheap DSLR. I was also quite impressed at the prices of the lenses compared to Canon lenses. I was told this is because the image stabilization is in the camera and not in the lens. Maybe I'll change myself?!?!?!?!;)
i bought the a390 a couple of months before the vat-back offer, so i hate this thread on the basis that i paid full price.
i really like the camera though and find the liveview is really good. i'd pay the extra to have it included, but the price for the a290 with the discount included would be mighty tempting
I was also quite impressed at the prices of the lenses

Sony has a wealth of good lenses especially the recent low cost SAM range. Sony SLR/SLT also have the use of all Minolta AF lenses since 1985 especially the sought after beercan lenses and don't forget all with image stabilisation.:)