South lakes Lemurs

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South lake is great for these fellas, you can get right in beside them (y)



(y) a pair of stonkers, loving them, very sharp (y)

although, its lemurs, if i can be pedantic ;)

Thats what i said :D

Thanks for that, spelling has never been my strong point. Thats why i became a mechanic :LOL:
Fantastic - sorry I missed this one 1st time around.

The sharpness and detail in #1 is superb.
"Oh no, not them camera lot again" "Guards, get them away"


"Come along, Nothing to see here"

I really like these, Do you have to dress in camouflager gear to get that close to them there? :LOL:
Sharpness and detail in #1 is great.

Is it ok to save it as windows background for my wife's pc account? She just loves lemurs. If we go to zoo she spents ages just looking, and beleive it or not, talking to them though the cages!!!
Sharpness and detail in #1 is great.

Is it ok to save it as windows background for my wife's pc account? She just loves lemurs. If we go to zoo she spents ages just looking, and beleive it or not, talking to them though the cages!!!

Thats fine by me, im flattered you like them so much (y)

:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: good one techno geek :clap: