Southport, Foul Mood

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[/url] Southport 9AM by MorganValue, on Flickr[/IMG]
Ah Southport pier. Nice composition but I think the sky could do with a bit more feathered black slightly less.
Thanks guys, Not that I was in a mood at the time haha, just the way I was editing it at the time It felt to go towards that type of mood.
I would have liked it a bit closer to the arches so there was slightly less sky ; but I like it as it is .( If that makes sense ?)
Oooh I like that!
Really effective PP and the details in the archway stand out brilliantly against it.

I can't help feeling that there's just a bit more sky than you really need though. I'd be tempted to crop a bit off the top to make the arch a little less central in the frame.
Wow thank you guys, I think I`ll edit the sky and crop it closer to the arches, thanks Sarah!

Thanks for all your replys though guys, really thank you! :)
I like it! A tighter crop would only improve it, but a great image nonetheless!

From my neck of the woods too!

Well done, pal.
Thanks Stegsie :) Im going to crop it back now, I`ll repost it once im done :) e
Perhaps a bit too much vignette...but the more I look at it the better it gets. The only criticism I have is that it's not 100% straight. My OCD can't deal with this! :p
Perhaps a bit too much vignette...but the more I look at it the better it gets. The only criticism I have is that it's not 100% straight. My OCD can't deal with this! :p

If I had the skills to add one I would haha.

freedomgoose - There was a little bump in the track too which didnt help :( :bonk::bonk: