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Since I picked up a Zeiss 21mm prime I haven't put the camera down. Driving the future missus crazy, and me even more so, but I love it! Quite a lens indeed and quite a challenge obtaining the best IQ from it on a D800E so decided this morning to head down to Southwold (again) to practice with it once more before I disappear to Turkey for a couple of weeks (not to join ISIS I may add!).
I knew the weather forecast wasn't great but actually the gloominess was quite inspiring giving off wonderful tones from the landscape.

f7.1, ISO 100, 15 seconds, Lee Little Stopper & Lee 0.6 HE grad

Overcast by neil almond, on Flickr

f8.0, ISO 100, 80 seconds, Lee Big Stopper & Lee 0.6 HE grad

Storm Warning by neil almond, on Flickr
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2 nice shots, I like the 1st one better as in the second I feel the green is almost too colourful and takes away from the grey monochrome feel of the images
Really like both images and proves I really need to get my ass out even when forecast is not so good.
Both great image s but No2 pips it for me, excellent (y)
Lovely shots, very atmospheric!

Must say I'm a tad jealous regarding the Zeiss!! How do you find manually focusing with this particular lens, do you get best results focussing in liveview or is the depth of focus on such a wide lens sufficient to provide back to front focus when stopped down to around f11ish?

Hope you didn't mind me asking!!!

Looks a good image and I use this lens, a lot. My issue with it is its quite soft in the corners compared to the centre

Steve, yes, I've read cases regarding this issue when researching but apparently Zeiss service is pretty good - you can send it back for them to correct?
Lovely shots, very atmospheric!

Must say I'm a tad jealous regarding the Zeiss!! How do you find manually focusing with this particular lens, do you get best results focussing in liveview or is the depth of focus on such a wide lens sufficient to provide back to front focus when stopped down to around f11ish?

Hope you didn't mind me asking!!!


Hi Matt,
It's taken a little time to get used to manual focus (hard lock infinity focus but actually best results are a mm before that point) but I most certainly would employ it now most of the time where I can and only via LV.
Had no issues with depth of field and can quite happily shoot f8 or even f7.1 (as per the images above) but this is of course scene dependent.
Love these 2 images. I am pants at anything outdoors.
2nd is my bestest.

Hi Matt,
It's taken a little time to get used to manual focus (hard lock infinity focus but actually best results are a mm before that point) but I most certainly would employ it now most of the time where I can and only via LV.
Had no issues with depth of field and can quite happily shoot f8 or even f7.1 (as per the images above) but this is of course scene dependent.
Thanks for the reply, this is definitely a lens I've got earmarked for the future..all the pictures I've seen taken with this lens always seem to be just wide enough without being unpractically wide like a 14-16mm wide end of an ultra wide zoom.

Thanks for the reply, this is definitely a lens I've got earmarked for the future..all the pictures I've seen taken with this lens always seem to be just wide enough without being unpractically wide like a 14-16mm wide end of an ultra wide zoom.


Its a good length for sure, certainly has kept me more busy compositionally wise than my previous 16-35 zoom. I'm alos looking at acquiring the 18mm version too for that bit extra.